5 Cas' and 5 Gabriels

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So this might be weird and confusing, some might not be it all depends on the time of day I write them so this one is currently 2:46 am. So enjoy, :D

"Jesus Christ, why the hell, Sam I swear to god!" Dean yelled after he got out of the bathroom.

There were five Cas' like literally five of him and Dean doesn't know which one is the real one, because they are all dressed the same but do you blame him all he wears is a white dress shirt, a black blazer, black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a blue tie, topped with that fucking trench coat of his.

Meanwhile with Sam. Sam is in his bathroom yelling back at Dean.

"Why, Dean what happened?" Sam yelled back while walking out of his bathroom, to his room to see five Gabriels.

"There are five fucking Cas', and if it's Gabriel's fault I'm going to kill him." Dean yelled back while trying to get out of his room.

"Well, it's not his fault." Sam yelled back also trying to get out of his room.

"How in the hell do you know it's not." Dean retorted finally meeting Sam in the hall.

"Well take a look yourself." Sam said gesturing to his room.

Dean opened Sam's door and just looked with irritation because he had no idea who or what did it.


Maybe it's a polyjuice potion duh. (Harry Potter reference)

Anyways they both spent hours trying to figure out something that the real Cas or Gabriel would know so they brought them all into the living room.

"Where did the real Gabriel killed me at over hundred times?" Dean asked hoping none of them knew except for the real one, but with their luck they all say the Mystery Spot. Like yay, for the Gabriels to answer the question correct. But one thing bothered them is that why didn't the real ones do something, but then they remembered that they all hear the same thoughts so that's not gonna work.

"Alright, there has to be something in the library about this or something, Im'a go look Dean keep an eye on them." Sam said while going into the library.

"Yea, Sam I think I know which one is the real Gabriel." Dean yelled while trying to grab that Gabriel.

"Why is that?" Sam questioned, but he turned around to a Gabriel just standing there watching him.

"Hey, Gabriel are you the real Gabriel?" Sam asked with a questioned tone then a little breathy laugh, because they probably would say the same thing or something.

"Why yes it is Samoose." that Gabriel said with a wink, and a soulful kiss, but

with the wink something happened.

"How the hell did all the Gabriels leave?" Dean yelled with a little fright in his voice.

"Gabriel winked at me and called me Samoose." Sam said with a laugh.

So Sam thinks that if they put Dean in a different room maybe one Cas would follow so they put that in action. With their luck, all five Cas' followed Dean, well now what are they supposed to do?

"Hey Sam, did you find anything in the library?" Dean asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, no I stopped looking when Gabriel was Gabriel." Sam said as he points to Gabriel.

"Speaking of which, can you do anything about this Gabriel?" Dean asked while inching closer to Gabriel.

"No, but I think I know what it is." Gabriel said while backing up from Dean and going closer to Sam.

"Well what do you think it is." Sam asked while heading to library.

"A witch." Gabriel said in a manner of what else is it going to be.

"This ain't no witch." Dean retorted.

"Well, it's a certain witch, one that can do any high powered magic. Other wise it would take way way too much magic and power to do." Gabriel claimed.

"Wait a minute, there is a witch that has higher magic mojo than you?" Dean questioned while backing Gabriel into a corner.

"Well I... okay yes I can do something it's just fun to watch you guys hunt."Gabriel said with a smirk, and a snap of his fingers Cas was back.

"So what you are saying is that you could've fixed this hours ago?" Sam asked with anger and irritation.

"I mean if you look at it that way, Samwich, then yes." Gabriel said with a devious look.

Hours later

Dean and Cas are cuddling in bed while watching, the Game of Thrones season 6 finale. Sam and Gabriel was in the middle of setting up a prank on Dean and Cas which ends up with, 12 Deans who are temporarily mind swept for the real Dean's sake, and a very confused Cas trying to decide which Dean is the real one with much horrid details. (if ya know what I mean)

With that Sam and Gabriel are laughing there ass off while cuddling with each other.


So this kinda just went down but I still hoped you liked it and the time that I finished this is 4:14 am. With that I hope you are enjoying my stories so far my beautiful Orphans :D <3


So this is the next day and it's 4:27 am and I was copying this for wattpad and my cat touches one key and it all deletes luckily it was on google docs so I could undo woah close one.

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