Organic Honey

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So Dean is a beekeeper. Cas is just an innocent man who likes honey. Perfect match, no? Well you're right it is. Dean and Cas get together, they are happy until something tragic happens.

Their local markets and stores have no honey. Cas loves honey, maybe more than he loves Dean. That's a lie and we know it but in this situation he does.

Cas is almost out of honey, and Dean went to pick some up for him but there was nothing, no more anywhere of course he only checked three surrounding towns but he wasn't going any further.

Cas was almost out, and he couldn't get anymore. Dean thought of something.

Dean went in their back yard and gathered the honey from the beehives. He got all the honey he could get and made organic honey for Cas.

"Hey Cas, sweetie c'mere." Dean called from the kitchen.

"What darling." Cas cooed as he came into the kitchen to be surprised.

"Cas' organic honey." Dean said while showing Cas the container of honey as if he could win a brand new car.

"Is that mine." Cas said excitedly as he ran over to Dean.

"Yes, here try it." Dean said as he took the cover off and pointed down a little so Cas could try it.

"Mmmmm, that's so good Dean, I love it." Cas said while taking a little more honey.

"I'm glad, now use it sparingly because the bees need to make more." Dean said while both laughed.


So this was just a little one shot about Cas' obsession with bees and honey. Hoped you liked it. Until next time my Beautiful Orphans, also I'm writing another Destiel called Angel of the Lord vs. Demon Dean.   

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