One Thousand Books of Apologies

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So this is a Sabriel, like I said before so I hope that you will enjoy this story. There is self harm in this one, sorry if you get triggered, and NEVER do self harm, because all you are causing is more hurt. Sorry, and I hope you enjoy. :D

Sam and Gabriel have been dating for about half a year/six months. Sam and Gabriel are happy, Sam was never the one for the girls or guys, but Gabriel flaunts it, and needed so many one night stands, like Dean. But there was always a reason why he would only hurt Dean in any situation he had to deal with the Winchester he never hurt or messed with Sam. But Sam's point of view was that Gabriel might be physically hurting Dean, but emotionally hurting Sam. Sam actually didn't mind because the more he hurt Dean, for some reason the more he liked him liked him, probably because he could never beat his brother even though he wanted to for so many reasons.

Time warp we're in the past before Sam started dating Gabriel.

One night, Sam wondered what would happened if he'd pray to Gabe. So Sam and Dean didn't have any cases so they actually had at least half a week to relax. They are in the bunker when Sam just get's up from the kitchen table and tell Dean "I think I'm gonna go and take a shower, and go to bed early." Dean just looks at him and nods.

Sam actually takes a shower but when he is done he prays to Gabriel.

"Hey, Gabriel I don't know if you'll answer or hear me but I was wondering if you could come down and we can talk." Sam says without any hesitation. Gabriel on the other hand is very hesitant, I mean it's the Winchesters and maybe they're going to trap me or something he thinks to himself. Sam realized after five minutes that he's not coming or he didn't hear him, so he just sighed and crawled into his bed and went to sleep. Later in the night around one or two in the morning Gabriel shows up, Sam is asleep actually he's been out cold after his prayer and Gabriel didn't answer. Sam stirred but didn't wake when he hear the wings, but they were faint maybe Dean called Cas, maybe they have a case and he can forget about Gabriel once and for all. Since Gabriel can read his thoughts he's a little taken back by Sam's hurtful thought.

About thirty minutes later he realizes he is just staring at him. Gabriel forgot about the hurtful thought, and he decides to go sit in the chair near Sam's desk but he is still staring. Sam stirs but doesn't wake up yet, Gabriel thinks to himself, dammit Gabe he can feel you staring at him, stop it. Gabriel doesn't stop, but he just turns invisible to the humans. Sam stirs for the last time but he doesn't stay asleep he is awake now, he just looks around his room, expecting Dean or something telling him about a case.

Gabriel continues to stare at him and watch what he is doing speaking of which what is he doing, Gabriel thought to himself. He watches Sam walk over to his dresser opens up a little box that sat atop of the dresser, and pulls out a lighter, Gabriel is completely confused. Sam walks over to his desk, and drops the lighter. Well shit Gabriel thought, I'm screwed, what kind of person has a random holy oil ring in his room, wait it's a Winchester, Gabriel thought to himself before turning visible again.

"Gabriel, what the hell are you doing here?" Sam says, a little groggily.

"Well, you prayed to me." Gabriel said innocently,

"Yeah, like at nine at night technically yesterday." Sam said fully awake and a little mad.

"Well, I thought that it was going to be a trap which I was right." Gabriel said with a little hurt in his voice as he points to the ring of holy oil that's on fire.

"Actually this is always set up not just for you, and you could've came because it wasn't Dean who prayed." Sam said apologetically and grabbed a convenient water bottle and put out the holy oil.

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