Counterattack: I'm sorry - Part 3

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"Yes, I hit you...because you lied to me! You betray my trust! How could you....behind my back..."

"What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?" Suo Wei said as he struggle to stand up.

"You're still lying to me?! Get out! GET OUT!" Chi Cheng shouted as he pulled Suo Wei out of the room towards the main door.

"No!" said Suo Wei as he struggled against Chi Cheng's strong grip. "Tell me what I did wrong and then I will go!".

"You are still playing dumb?! Here! See for yourself!"

Suo Wei grab the phone that was shoved towards him. At first, he couldn't understand what it was that he was looking at. And then it hit him...

"Chi Cheng, this is..."

"Do you still deny what you have done? I trusted you!"

"No Chi Cheng. This is..."

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Leave this house. I don't want to see you anymore. Leave!"


For what seemed like ages, Suo Wei finds himself staring at the door, shocked and in disbelief of the whirl wind that had just occured.

Counterattack Web Series - I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now