Counterattack: I'm sorry - Part 10

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It has been 3 days. 3 days since the day that he had said sorry to his lover. This morning, when the doctor had came by and declared that his lover was healthier enough to be discharged, Chi Cheng had hoped that the news would cheer him up... and make him talk. Suo Wei still had not said a word to him...

At first, Chi Cheng was contented enough that his lover was not ignoring him. But as the days passed, he realised that Suo Wei avoided any interaction with him as much as he could. He still accepted the apples that Chi Cheng cut and fed to him and the offer to bring him to the toilet when he needed to but that was to the extent of it. As much as he was trying to be patient, Chi Cheng felt very anxious.

"Maybe Suo Wei has not forgiven me at all..." thought Chi Cheng in dismay, as he looked over to see his lover standing beside the bed, busily packing his things.

But he knew he shouldn't be disheartened. It was his fault and Suo Wei has the rights to still be angry at him. With that in mind, Chi Cheng approached his lover who at the same time had turned around to face him.

"Suo Wei, come and let me help you." Chi Cheng said as he held out his hand to take the bag from him.

What happened next caught Chi Cheng by surprise as his lover suddenly took a step backwards, wide eyes and trembling.

"Suo Wei...?" Chi Cheng asked, getting more confused when his lover took another hasty step backwards, away from him.

"S..Stay a..away from me."

"Suo Wei, what...?" And that's when Chi Cheng realised it. His lover...his lover was actually afraid of him. This... this was all his fault.

Putting up his hands to show that he meant no harm, Chi Cheng slowly took a few steps back and sat near the foot of the bed. He patiently waited for his lover to calm down, and calm down he did. Observing from the corner of his eye, he kept track of how Suo Wei was doing. Slowly, his lover had seemed to slower down his breathing and had begun to sit down at the edge of the bed.

Counterattack Web Series - I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now