Cousin of a Friend

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Ponyboy's POV
Smoke leaves my mouth as I feel the scab I got today from the Socs. I didn't dare to pick at it. Blood would probably go down my neck again like it did when they cut me. Well at least I didn't get as hurt as Johnny. The scar on his cheek is still there to haunt and remind him everyday that he was a victim.

"Aye, kid. What are doing here alone? Johnny is usually with you here at the lot." it was just Dally.

"He's at the house with the rest of them. I only came here to think."

"About what?" I had a feeling he was going to ask that.

"I never...really had a relationship. All the greaser girls have trucker mouths and I just get bored after awhile. What I'm trying to say is is that...I feel like there should be someone new around here. And my age." He laughs and sits next to me. Dal lights his cancerstick and takes a drag.

"Maybe like one of those...what are they? Long hair, peace, and free love? That's what my teacher told us?" Damn, I can't think of it for some reason.

"A hippie?"

"Yes! Thank you, Dal."

"Yeah yeah whatever. All they do is swing and do drugs."

"I guess. Hey I'm going to go down to the dingo. Want to come?" Cherry might be there and I'll hang with her.

"No. Gonna go hunt some action. Bye, kid." He leaves and I'm once again alone. Yeah, a hippie. I'm just wishing for someone new.
"Another cut at the neck?" I nod as I show Cherry. She sighs and takes a drink from her coke.

"It's fine. It'll go away soon." She seems upset as she keeps glancing at it. Her smile reappears when she has her thinking face on.

"I just remembered something! My cousin, Riona, is moving down here from New York! God, I miss her." I nod and give her a small smile.

"She's your age." Now that got my attention.

"Go on."

"She's 14, a little shorter than you and a bit of a hippie. Not much though because her parents forbid it." Okay so she a bit of a hippie. I've always wanted to meet one.

"Riona should be coming anytime this week."

"She's sounds interesting. Finally someone new." I whispered that last part and I'm thankful Cherry didn't hear. Hopefully she's a grade ahead like me and then she can go to the high school. Cherry and me will get lucky if that was the case. As I take a sip of my Pepsi she goes in her little bag and takes out a picture.

"This was a while ago, but that's her. Riona most likely doesn't look like this anymore considering this picture was taken three years ago." I think it was sweet of Cherry to keep a picture of her little cousin with her in her purse. She seems to love her so much.

"What part of New York is she from?"

"Born in Queens and currently in Poughkeepsie. She's living in one of those big and nice Victorian homes."


"Yes. Definitely. She always visits the city on her breaks from school. Even though she's living norther from Queens, the accent never went away." Maybe she has it like Dally's. Anywhere he went his never went away either. Even down here in Oklahoma where people have southern accents.

"Ponyboy, I know you'll like her. I'm just worried about one thing though." I have a feeling on what she's worried about. The poor vs. The rich and each one has to stay on there side. Yeah yeah I've heard this shit all before.

"She's a socs and you know how it is. I'm just worried that if you two like are seen together a lot of pro-"

"It's alright, Cherry. I get it." Disappointment is written all over my face as I drink my soda. Why couldn't she be middle class? But of course she had to be a soc and related to the popular Cherry Valance. It'll be just my luck if Riona doesn't like me when she meets me. 

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