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Riona's POV
"My god, he's gorgeous! And his voice sounds so nice. He's also so dreamy." I was drooling over Ponyboy to Isobel, but she didn't mind. She never minds.

"The real hunk is that brother of his, Sodapop. He's literally as sweet as his name." We laugh as we get ready for our first day of school. Cherry is supposed to pick us up in twenty minutes and we were done with hair and clothes. Isobel is wearing a tight black shirt with a white skirt that goes down to her knees like my skirt and she has red flats to go with it. My outfit is a baby blue button down with thin white stripes on it. I buttoned it, but then tied the rest in a knot and then I have my navy blue skirt that goes up to my waist with a black thin belt. My shoes are black and pointy.

"Girls, breakfast!" My mother yells from downstairs. We run to the kitchen and get seated. Yes! French toast with butter and syrup.

"How was yesterday, you two?" My father asks. Isobel and me smile at the memory and say it was great. Ponyboy...unique name for a such a pretty boy.

"Ri, eat. Your food is getting cold." My mother snaps me out of my thoughts and I eat. Man, did she know how to cook a mean meal.

Beep beep!

"That's Cherry. Love you guys." We kiss them goodbye, grabbed our bags and was on our way out. What a nice surprise. Ponyboy was in the back seat. Isobel took front while I took back and sat next to Ponyboy. He looked nice today. Jeans with an olive green t-shirt. It compliments him just like purple does.

"You girls nervous for today?" Cherry asks Is and me.

"Yup!" We said in sync and without hesitation. Pony laughs and looks over at me. I go in my back and take out my tiny mirror and my red lipstick.

"You know you really don't need that."

"Why not, Ponyboy?"

"Because you have a perfect natural lip color" again with the blushing he causes.

"Ladies and gentleman, we are here." Cherry announces. We all get out walk towards the entrance. Students are going in or talking for a bit before going to there lockers. Cherry stopped me and looked a bit glum to tell me something.

"If you don't see me talking to Ponyboy please don't take it personal. It's just I'm a soc and I hate to say this, but I don't want to hurt my reputation, Riona." And with that she went in. It came as a surprise to me that she cares, but then again this is high school. People were giving Isobel and me looks for being with Ponyboy as we walked in together. He showed us to the main office then to our lockers where we put everything. While putting our things away we saw a soc and a greaser getting a little rough with each other. Thank goodness a teacher was there to break it up before it got any worse.

"I'm guessing that happens often?" Isobel asks. Curious little bean.

"Usually outside of school. I got jumped once, but it wasn't as bad as my friend Johnny. He looked like he was barely breathing." I probably had the most frightened face ever when I heard that. He showed us his scar that's heeling.

"Did you get that from a blade?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay now, Riona." At the moment I was a bit glad to be a soc because so I would never get jumped. But I hate that I carry the reputation of being one. The warning bell rings and we go off to our first class. I take a seat next to Isobel while Ponyboy sits next to me. So I'm in the middle.

"Where'd you two get your clothes?" A soc girl asks me.

"Abercrombie & Fitch. Why? You like it or something?" I tried my best not to sound rude because as I was talking they were giving Ponyboy judgemental stares.

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