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Ponyboy's POV
I had another one of those dreams last night. The ones that make me sweat in my sleep and it's usually of my parents. Darry had to hold me and calm me down from all my crying.

"You okay, kid?"

"Not really, Two-bit. Had bad sleep and sadly I had to have some of Darry's coffee this morning. It tasted terrible." He laughs and I shake my head to wake myself up a bit. One of the little soc gangs kept staring at me with smirks on their faces. Two-bit seemed to notice and stuck around me while I walked up on the school grounds.

"Why do you think they keep looking at me like that?"

"They just probably want to frighten you a bit." James walks over to me and I wanted to walk away from him so badly.

"Hey Greaser. Nice morning, huh?" I nod and I gave Two-bit that look signaling him that he can leave now.

"My night last night was interesting. I went over to your girlfriend's house with my parents. Riona very much hurt our feelings, but I got to say her skirt made her look very doable." Keep your temper down, boy. Don't let yourself go or consequences will happen way to early in the morning.

"Before I left last night I made the gesture of going upstairs to say goodbye, but with more of an elaborate way. See, what I did would make you kill me, but you can't. Let's just say her lips have a mighty fine feel to them." He chuckles and walks away with cockiness in his strut. I drop my stuff and speed walk to him, but Two-bit pulled me away.

"Kid, don't even think about it. Do you really want more beef with him?"

"Yeah, your right. Were you watching this whole time, Two?"

"Just making sure he wasn't going to try anything on you. Have a good day, kid." It's always good to have a pal like Two-bit.

I walk in the school with such anger I was about to punch a locker. I found Riona at her locker, getting ready for the morning. I slam her locker shut.

"Tell me he's just fucking with my mind?!"


"Riona, James told me he kissed you and went to your house last night. Is the kiss part true?" She stays quiet and locks up her locker.

"Yes...it is." She walks away with her head down and hugging her books close.

"Wait, Riona!" I caught up to her and brought her to the lockers.

"Why would you let that happen?"

"Ponyboy, it was unexpected and it's not like he did it fast enough for me to realize what he was doing! Plus I couldn't push him away because I was so in shock that I couldn't move! It was just a revenge thing after me splashing water in his face and telling his mother that he kept touching me-"

"Touching you?!" The warning bell rings and she hurries off to our class.

"No, Riona, get back here right now!" She stopped in her tracks and looked at me frightened. She got scared because of me. I could feel a lump in my throat forming from guilt. Now that I realize it I never raised my voice at her in a angered tone.

I go up to her instead and pull her in a janitor's closet.

"Of all places, why here?"

"So you and me wouldn't get in trouble and do you expect us to walk to the library without getting in trouble?" She rolls her eyes and leans back on the wall.

"Now what the hell do you mean that he touched you?"

"At dinner I had to sit next to him and he thought it was a good idea to put his hand on my thigh which lifted my skirt a bit. Then he went higher almost to my area and that's when I jammed my foot in his shin. I asked him to move it before he almost went there, but he didn't listen." I sigh and she almost looked about ready to cry.

1965//Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now