Wait, What?

493 19 84

Riona's POV
"Riona, you okay? You are barely eating your burger." surprisingly, I haven't devoured my favorite food down. I blame Ponyboy for not eating tonight.

"I'm fine dad." he just shrugs and takes a bite out of his. He's still in his police suit from work today. Of course my mother had to make a flirty comment on how nice he looked.

Isobel stares me down from across the dinner table while drinking her Dr. Pepper. She reached far enough and kicked my leg. I gave her a snappy look and she nodded her head towards the bathroom.

"May we be excused for two minutes please?" my mother nods and we jumped right out of our seats.

"Dally told me that you were at Ponyboy's house today."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because Sodapop told Johnny, then Johnny told Dally, and then Dally told me." I roll my eyes and look down.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?"

"He kissed me."

"Wait, what?" she looks at me with her jaw dropped, then it goes into a little smirk.

"You know what this means, right?" I shake my head, confused and curious.

"Rionyboy is real." I gag and run to my room.

"Oh c'mon Riona! Don't deny the love you have for him!" I scrunch up my face and cover my ears.

"It's only been a week! Shut up." maybe I'll jump on her bed while she's sleeping. She deserves it.

I look at my phone and play with the curly wire. Should I call him to clear the air? I don't want it to be awkward for us tomorrow. I should give him some space. He was totally embarrassed.

"Call him!" Isobel says when she bursts through my door.

"I know you're thinking about it." she dives for the phone and I get on top of her.

"No! You aren't calling him!" I try to pull her away, but she's stronger.

"Hello Darry. Can please put Loverboy on the phone." Sodapop called him the same thing today too.

"Wait one second." she looks over at me and hands me the phone. "It's for you." Isobel smirks and takes a seat on my bed.

"Hey Ponyboy."

"Oh, hey R-Riona." Did he just stutter?

"So about today..." we stayed silent and then all I hear from the other line is "just say something already!" Sounded like Steve.

"Look I'm sorry about that kiss. It was in the moment and you just looked so beautiful and I couldn't hel-" he went silent when it clicks in his head. Once again, he just embarrassed himself.

"So you couldn't help, but feel my lips huh?"

"W-well I could've bu-"

"But you couldn't." I hear him gulp and the gang is laughing in the background. Poor Ponyboy. I'm guessing they can hear me real well.

"Ponyboy it's fine. Plus you're actually a good kisser." Isobel throws herself off the bed and on to the floor freaking out.

"I can totally say the same for you." I blush and Isobel is rolling on the floor. Strange child.

"Let's not make it awkward for each other tomorrow. Pretend like it didn't happen." I said to him. He says okay and I we said our goodbyes.

"Be steadies already!" Isobel cries out. I shake me head and go back down stairs.

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