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Ponyboy's POV
"I don't get how you don't like her if all you do is talk about how great she is." Darry says from the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's a great human being, but I don't have feelings for her." It's been a week since Riona and Isobel have moved here. Riona and me are attached at the hip and we are always together in school. Socs are giving her a lot of crap for it, but she told me that she's not giving up her friendship because of what some rich kids say to her. That made me feel real good that day. The whole gang is teasing me about how I'm basically wrapped around her finger. Worst of all, they're calling me loverboy.

"You say you don't like her now, but I bet you in a month that you're going to be crying out that you love her." Sodapop says also from the kitchen.

"Let's not get dramatic here." We laugh and I get served my breakfast before I leave for school. Eggs with chocolate milk and a piece of chocolate cake. The only thing healthy here are the eggs.

"If you were to date her I would surprisingly allow it." I look at Darry wide eyed. He never liked the thought of me dating a soc if I ever did date one.

"Thanks Darry, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't have any feelings for me. Johnny even asked her if she liked me a week ago and she said no." It didn't bother me because that's when we just met. Sodapop shrugs my way and drinks milk from the carton. We all did it, even the gang. We all act like brothers so we mine as well do what brothers do.

"Ready?" I nod and grab my books on the way out. The drive was quiet, but it was calm and nice.

"Sorry to say, bud, but I have to let you go in hell." I laugh at Darry and say goodbye.
Riona's POV
Another day, another equation written on the board. I flinch when it makes the noise where it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Damn, I really do hate that sound. I look over at Ponyboy and he's writing down everything...and something else that doesn't involve math. I don't bother to check it out and I write the problems from the board to my notebook. A hand places a tiny folded piece of paper. "Ponyboy," I thought to myself as I playfully roll my eyes.

"Are you a 45 degree angle? Because you're acute-y!" I plop my head on my desk and chuckle quietly. He hands me another one.

"I heard you're good at algebra-Could you replace my X without asking Y?" I flick him upside his head and he quietly laughs to himself.

"You are such a flirt!" I whisper to him. He just gives me a cheesy smile. If he wants to play the flirting game I'll play right along.

"Is there a problem going on over there." Ms. Palmer says in a strict voice to Ponyboy and me.

"Not at all, ma'am." I say in my most kind voice. She goes back to what she's doing while I start writing down a cheesy pick up line.

"I am equivalent to the Empty Set when you are not with me." I pass it over to him, he reads it, and he blushes. I guess you can say this is payback for all the times he made me blush like a lunatic.

"Honey, you're sweeter than pi." I crumble the piece of paper and throw it him. The bell rings and everyone flees out of the classroom.

"Ms. Valance, I need to talk to you for a minute." Really?! Right when I'm about to walk out the door and she stops me.

"Yes, Ms. Palmer?"

"I don't want you do to anymore shenanigans with Mr. Curtis. I was nice enough not to separate you two. Now, please take your flirting to another classroom, but mine." I walk out with a bad attitude written on my face.

"Did you get reprimanded?" Pony asks.

"Yeah because we were doing shenanigans and flirting."

"Flirting? Shenanigans, yes, but flirting? Those notes were a joke." We get into art class and settle in our seats. James comes in and sits next to me. I give him a small smile and turn my attention back to Ponyboy.

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