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Riona's POV
It's finally the weekend and my dad is working during the day to all the way till one in the morning. I love when he has overtime. My mother doesn't mind him not being home because she gets to blast music like a teenager. Basically we can do whatever we want.

A beautiful Saturday afternoon like this should not be wasted. I'm in more of a skirt mood so i slip on one of my long ones with one of Ponyboy's grey t-shirts. It even smelled like him. Since it was so big I tied the remains into a little ball with a rubber band. My stomach was showing, but I don't care. I love the feeling of Ponyboy's hands on my bare waist. I look in the mirror and feel good.

"Ma, I'm going out."

"Where the hell are you going showing your stomach like that?" I groan and take out the little ball.

"I'm going to the library. No worries, I'll be back." she nods and I leave. After that day Bob attacked Ponyboy I acted my best that I'm not seeing him and that I've been "a little sad," about it. Isobel has been doing the same. Her and Dally are so, dare I say, in love. They probably aren't, but they sure as hell are acting like it. Me and Ponyboy...we made it official and the gang was so happy about it! We all even had a little party at his house for Ponyboy finding his first girlfriend, Dally finding someone loyal, and Sodapop finally moving on from Sandy with Gloria.

The Curtis house comes into view and all the boys are outside on the lawn hanging out. Dally and Isobel are eating together, and Gloria and Sodapop are arm wrestling. Steve looking over at them two all jealous. He finally got kicked over to the third wheel again.

To surprise Ponyboy I run towards him and yell his name in glee. He turns around and smiles. I love to be that one person that brings out his dimples. The guys started laughing and Ponyboy catches me. My arms wrap around his neck, my legs wrap around his waist, and we kiss right when he caught me. I haven't felt his lips all day. I've been craving his lips and damn does it feels good as hell.

"Hi my Babygirl." his accent makes me melt right into his arms. My favorite time is when he reads to me. It can really get me listening.

"Hello there Big Guy." I love calling him that. I've seen him shirtless before in the lake and he isn't like Darry or Sodapop. His arms got muscle though.

We start kissing again and all the boys holler and whistle at us.

"Get it, Ponyboy!" Two-bit hollers. Ponyboy shoos him away and kisses my cheek. The loving this boy gives me is never enough. I look over to Johnny and he looks to quiet.

"Ponyboy, I'll be right back." I go over to Johnny and see what's up.

"I see a frown on your face, Johnnycake. Tell me what's up?"

"I'll admit it, Riona, I want a girl and I never felt the feeling of being a third wheel." now it's my turn to frown. Johnny has always been lonely with family, everyone knew that. I didn't see it coming for Johnny Cade to let relationship loneliness get the best of him.

"I'm sorry that we are making you feel like the third wheel. Trust me, I know how it feels." we chuckle and I hug him.

"Johnny, trust me, you're going to find a girl."

"This is the second time you said 'trust me'" I laugh loudly and let go of him. Someone pulls me away and I yelp.

Fucking Ponyboy.

"I couldn't help, but scare you."


"I like it when you scream." he winks and I elbow him.

"I would've slapped you if I didn't know you."

"But you do know me."

"And I can still slap you." he cheekily smiles and holds me close.

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