Takes Two to Tango

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Riona's POV
"Out of all people my mother just had to pick you for me." I was ready to jump out of James's car or let him run me over aggressively. Tonight is not my night. This stupid date and I got my period! I sometimes hate being a female.

"Ri, relax. I can show you a good time." I did not like his tone of voice. It had a seductive tone to it and sure as hell I'm not seduced.

"Don't call my Ri and if you think that you're going to get some tonight, you can't. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm bleeding down there." I heard him mutter a low "fuck," and rolled his eyes. We're not even at the diner yet and I want this night to end already. He pulls up to the diner and I can smell the food coming from it.

"You better hope you have enough money because I got a big ol' appetite." I get out the car before he can and start walking to the entrance.

"Eager to eat much?"

"Yes and not your dick." the insults are going to spill out my mouth all night so James better be prepared. If he can't handle it, then he can just go cry to his mother. No fucks will be given tonight. He opens the door for me and as I am about to walk in he gets in front of me and goes in. If he wants to play it this, then fine. You know what they say, it takes two to tango.

The hostess brings us to a table and gives our menus. James wanted a booth, but I spoke up before he could so we got a table instead.

"You know, I'm the one paying so shouldn't I be the one to chose?"

"Have you ever heard of lady's choice?" He scoffs and looks at what he wants. I want my boyfriend with me. Ponyboy wouldn't treat me like this, ever.

A waiter was walking over to our table and he looked very famili- wait, hold up!

"Hi, my name is Tucker and I'll be taking care of you tonight. For starters what would you like to have to drink?" Fucking Dally. He greased his hair back and has the same outfit as every other worker here. How in the hell did he manage this? You know what, I don't wanna know. If it's anyone who can pull this off it's Dally.

"I'll have a Pepsi and the lady will have a water." I gave James a dirty look and rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I'll have a Coke please. Thank you."

"I'll be right back with your drinks." He didn't even have his city accent like mine. Oh he's good.

"Why couldn't you just except the water?" James sound annoyed and I smirked at my accomplishment.

"I didn't want water and I wanted Soda so I'm going to get it." Speaking of Soda I would so get Sodapop to beat James's ass. He's got muscle. Better yet, I'll get Darry. One swing from him and you're out.

I look around the restaurant to take in my surroundings. I noticed to my right there was a pair of friends sitting together in a booth, but I can only see the top of their heads. I could tell the lighter brunette was a guy by his hair and his companion was a girl. Isn't it weird how people can sometimes just know these things by looking at the top of peoples' heads?

"How about after this we go back to myself and do some stuff, yeah?" Is he for real right now.

"James...you a dumb bitch." I heard some laughter from a table, but I couldn't tell who it was coming from.

"Riona, it's not very lady like to cuss. It makes you look trashy." Oh, he thinks that looks trashy? Dal- I mean Tucker comes back to our tables with our drinks.

"And now for dinner. What would you like?"

"I would a the fucking hamburger with some good ass cheese. Fucking French fries on the god damn side and don't fucking forget about the damn ketchup. For my pussy ass, dumb bitch date over here, he would like the fucking healthy shitty salad because he needs to keep his body in shape and can't get fat like his ego. Thank you so fucking much." I simply hand Dallas the menus with a sweet smile on my face. We got stares from people and the friends that I noticed not to long ago was laughing so hard. At least some people can take a joke.

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