11. Accusations and Violence.

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The young couple managed to avoid Lorelai for the next week thanks to different houses, school and activities.

Lora had decided to set up a web based newsletter and linked it to the Truncheon website.

She was editing it and writing book and music reviews, surprisingly it was being read by a lot of people and some of the reviews had been picked up by other newspapers, getting the Truncheon name more advertising and a bigger customer base.

Chris had set up the online store fairly quickly with some phone help from Lora and the orders were flooding in.

Jess had just finished writing his next book and after Lora covered the pages in red and he made the changes he sent it in to the guys for final editing.

Everything was going great for the couple, too great it seemed as on the other side of town Lorelai was talking to a tall floppy haired boy about her daughter.

"Dean trust me, Jess has her brainwashed, all you have to do is talk to her a little bit, be the sweet boy you are and when the time is right she'll be yours." Lorelai was explaining, knowing in her heart that her daughter Rory was hiding behind the Lora mask, no daughtet of hers would be happy in society the way Lora was, her daughter wouldn't want to go to Yale either, nope Jess and the Haydens had brainwashed her, it was the only explanation. Dean nodded his head and left going home so he could plan out his conversation points so he could steal Lora away from Jess.

It was the next morning and Lora was at the store grabbing a few things for the house, Jess was helping Luke at the diner and Dean was making his move.

He snuck up behind Lora as she was choising cereal and started talking to her.

"You know that cereal is kinda healthy, your mom always gets the one with marshmallows in it, she also gets the smores pop tarts and the biggest bag of coffee we have." He said assuming that Lora was the same as Lorelai.

"How great for my mom, at least I know how to eat properly, excuse me I want to finish this and get home." Lora said trying to get away from the creepy string bean.

"I finish in a few minutes if you want I can help you carry your stuff home." Dean said with a smile he thought was sweet and sexy but was really just plain out and out creepy axe murderer.

"No thanks, my fiance can help if I need it, and anyways I kinda enjoy the exercise of carrying the stuff home.

"But your a Gilmore, they don't exercise, that's whar your mom told me, she also told me you like reading and I just started reading oliver twist, and I love fallout boy, and I'm sweet and your mom said you like sweet." Dean said in a rush and Lora got super pissed off.

"My god would you just shut up. I don't know you. I don't like you. You have a weird fascination with my mother and I don't care about what book you're reading. And what the hell does fallout boy have to do with anything. Just leave me the hell alone, in case you missed it I'm engaged, to Jess, we live together, we are getting married in about seven weeks. Here's my advice to you. Go find a girl that goes to your school, like a pretty blonde cheerleader, forget about me, ignore anything my mother asks you to do and stay away from me and Jess." Lora yelled at him before leaving her basket of shopping on the floor and walking to the diner for coffee and to tell Jess what happened.

After talking to Jess she had calmed down and was thinking more clearly, luckily for her the only friend she had in this town Lane, had offered to finish her shopping for her and had skipped out of the diner with a list and the money in her hand.

Lane came back and handed her the bags before waving and going home to her mother, Lora decided to just wait for Jess as he was almost finished.

Later that night Lora and Jess walked over to Lorelai's house to talk to her about her crap match making attempt, Lora knocked on the door and after it was opened by a scruffy brunette guy who let the two kids inside she sat in a chair and stared at her mother while Jess stood next to her with his hand on her shoulder.

"We just came here to tell you to stop. Stop trying to set me up with guys you like. I'm going to marry Jess, he's my fiance and if you can't accept that... well truthfully I don't care if you like it or not. Just stop trying to squish me into what you want me to be." Lora said with a small frown on her face.

"I only did it because I know this isn't you, marrying Jess, going to Yale, its not your world. You belong with Dean the sweet small town boy." Lorelai tried to explain.

Lora stood up and grabbed Jess by the hand and started leading him out of the house.

"No Lorelai, this is my world. Why would I belong with a small town boy when I have my big wide world man by my side, ready to marry me. You are not my mother. Goodbye Lorelai, if you interfere again I will place a restraining order on you." Lora said as she walked out of her mothers house, she knew she would see Lorelai around the town and the Gilmores house but that was ok.

Dean was waiting down the street from their house and tried to start a fight, but Jess being Jess managed to keep it verbal, and managed to completely rip the floppy haired jerk to shreds with his sarcastic scathing comments, Lora giggled as Dean ran home with his pride trailing along behind him.

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