GF104 : Samantha (Also Known As) Samuel || futureauthor37

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Samantha (Also Known As) Samuel submitted by futureauthor37

Summary : Samantha Atkins gets a letter from the West Virginia Social Science Association, saying how they'd like to conduct an experiment with a girl as the test subject

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Summary : Samantha Atkins gets a letter from the West Virginia Social Science Association, saying how they'd like to conduct an experiment with a girl as the test subject. Samantha is one of five chosen, but only one will be the subject of the experiment. The experiment, however, is that the girl will leave her hometown and go to live in Charleston, West Virginia at an all-boys private school.

The catch - she will be dressed as a boy and will have to act like one to collect information on how the boys act around a girl, even though they don't know there is a girl there.Samantha will run into love, friendship, and tragic events that only certain people can help her cope with.

Status : Ongoing

Parts : 3

Reads : 15

Votes : 4

Comments : 2

Genre : General Fiction

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