- chapter 1-

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Quick Authors note:
I DON'T OWN AMC OR THE CAST. I hope you all like this book, it might be bad but I'm trying. Sorry for the neon green
...................chapter 1......................

I sit there in my house. It's been about a month or two since the out break happened, I'm a 12 year old girl that lives alone, trying to find her best friend daryl Dixon. Mean yeah hes older than me but he always taught me new things about a bow or a weapon I have or haven't seen. My main weapons are my swiss army knife, my gun, and my fist. My outfit is a jean jacket hoodie, a neon green sports bra, jeans, neon green converse high-tops. I of course have my own bike, thanks daryl. It's a f/c crotch rocket, daryl got it for me when my 12th birthday hit, he taught me how to ride, how to fix the engine, and how to do many other things with the bike. I sat down on the couch in this abandoned home, looking at the TV. My bike was by the front door and my bag was next to me. I took my holster off for my knife and took my gun out of the waste part of my jeans, it touches my hip and stays there all the time. It helps because no one will know it's there and take My knife after that, BOOM their dead. One thing to say, don't mess with me. I sigh and sit back "where are you daryl" I smile at the memories.


"Daryl....daryl....DARYL DIXON SOMEONE STOLE YOUR BIKE" I yelled at the top of my 5 year old lungs. "H- THEY DID WHAT" I got off of him and giggled running away, it's daryl's 30th birthday. I ran past merle and got my present, which was a new part to his crossbow. He couldn't get it because he was low on money, but I got a little job, thanks lemonade stand, andcreepy old guys. Sadly I couldn't get the wrapping paper but I didn't care. "Kid calm down" I looked at merle "it's his birthday and what are you doing.....nothing" I held onto the box tightly and ran past merle then into daryl's room. He was sitting up rubbing his eyes, I jumped up onto the bed and looked at him. "Happy birthday" I held out the box with my nonhurt arm, he took it and hugged me "thanks y/n" he always showed his soft side to me, he's tough but he has a gently side.

Another flashback before the last one.

I sang along with my mom in the car "jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" we kept singing making my dad laugh. It's almost Christmas and we're heading to my aunts. It's snowing and we're on a highway. I closed my eyes to sing the next Christmas song but I was cut off by screaming, car brakes, glass breaking, and a bones breaking. The car went to its side and I hit my head hard on the glass. Soon sirens were coming and I was taken out of the car and sent to the hospital, same with mom and dad. Later after my check up I had a broken arm (see in the last one I said nonhurt arm, your five in this one too but it's a few months since the accident) a man came in and told me my parents didn't make it, I took it hard, some think a 5 year old won't understand what they meant but I'm smart.

I let a tear fall but wiped it away as soon as it came from my eye, I'm not a weak person, I'm strong, smart, fit, and athletic. I sighed and moved my bag off the couch and laid down letting sleep take over, a dreamless sleep once again.

I woke up to a unpleasant sight, a geek right in front of me "you little shit" I growled and pushed him back with my foot while I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the temple, his body fell onto of me and his blood got on my stomach. "Dammit, I should have closed my jacket...." my green sports bra was now Christmas color. "Ugh" I grabbed my gun and knife, I strapped my holster on then put my gun on my hip. I put my helmet on and swung my backpack on. I opened the door and got on my bike, I turned it on and drove off, dodging geeks here and there. My two sides of my jean jacket were flying in the wind and my stomach was exposed. I drove faster as I got out of the neighborhood. I was driving down a back road as three figures were on the side of the road. I slowly came to a stop and saw them as three men but one was my age, all had brown hair but the boy he had brown curly hair. They looked my way, I was held at gun point "hey hey hey calm down" I said through my helmet and continued "Or have a bad time because I'll drop you under seconds" the boy and man that looked like him put their guns down while the other one didn't "shane put it down" the first man said "no rick" 'ok rick looks like the boy and the other man is shane' "she's gonna hurt carl or us" 'and then carl' I simply laughed and lifted the glass that was covering my eyes, it was dawn and they could see my e/c eyes and part of my nose "look sir, I might have weapons but I won't hurt you unless you tell me why your out here alone" shane put his gun down and looked away "we just left a neighborhood" "could I possibly be Hyde park?" They nodded "well then looks like you left before I did" rick looked at me "what do you mean" I smiled but they didn't see, I sighed and looked straight "I don't work with people so I'm alone, I'm looking for a friend but I haven't fou-" "wait how old are you" carl asked cutting me off "12" "and your on a crotch rocket" I laughed, 'stop showing your soft side' I shake my head "my friend taught me how to ride a bike" he nodded and looked away "well I've been looking for him and I've been scavenging and that was my last neighborhood" I said emotionless "ok do you know where your going" "no but watch out" rick was confused, the three all were, I got my knife out "HE-" shane was cut off by my knife hitting a geek in the head. We kept on "how did you get that type of aim?" Carl asked, I looked at him and sighed "that same friend" he nodded and yawned "if you want get on the back I won't hurt you" then I was held at gun point by the one and only......

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