chapter 6

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Your pov

I groaned and opened my eyes, I was in my tent "what happened" I got up and opened the tent 'door' I looked around and saw carol and Lori washing my old clothes, I looked down and saw I was in a t-shirt and shorts, plus combat boots "who the hell changed me" lori and carol looked at me "oh y/n your up" lori said and carol ran over and hugged me "we were so worried" I hugged carol back and sighed "what happened" carol explained how I passed out, daryl isn't gonna be happy with me "wait where's daryl" "on a run with rick and Shane" "Wheres the kids" I said thinking about carl "their sleeping, you woke up a little early" lori said and kept washing the clothes "I hope I got enough" I said pulling away from carol "yeah you got a lot actually thanks" lori said smiling. I nod, a motorcycle engine came up and then voices "oh no...." I look down and wait for daryl, I heard his voice then came the hug. "Where. Were. You." I put my head on his chest "I'm sorry....I got held up..." "where" he asked "the city" I whispered "don't do it again" he walked off, I looked down knowing it was going to get worse later. I walked to my tent, I opened the zipper and walked in, I shut the zipper and lay down. I sighed and looked up at the tent ceiling.

A whole day passed without me going out, no one saw me but in the morning. It soon was night ad everyone, and I mean everyone was asleep. I got out of my tent and went to a tree, I climbed up and looked up at the stars. I heard some breathing from beneath Me, I get pulled down. My first instinct is to pull my knife, but my new one was in my tent, so was my gun. "You little bitch, taking all my attention" "shane?" He smiled "Ah so you know my voice already" he throws a punch, hitting me in the nose. I grab my nose and look at him "don't take my attention" he got off of me, I got up "really you attention hog" I jumped on his back, he growled and tried to get me off. I smiled and held chocked him "your bad for this group" I whispered in his ear, he threw me and I hit a tree. I fell on my stomach "I'm not you are" I smiled and got up "lets go tough guy" he stood in his fighting stance "fine brat" he ran and I dodged his attack, he grabbed me by the arm, I simply elbowed him in the side. He held onto his side and I turned around, as I was turning I lifted my leg and hit him on the cheek. He fell to his side, "What's wrong tough guy" he got up and tackled me, we rolled back and landed by the hot coals of the fire. His hands were by my head, he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, I punched him over and over again and again. When I grew tired of punching I had his blood from the cut on his nose on my jacket. He growled with his bloody teeth showing, he punched me back, many of times. When he was done I spit blood on his face, he went to wipe it off but I rolled us over and sat on his stomach. I lifted my fist and swung down, punching his face. He rolled us over again, I land on my stomach, he grabbed me by my hair and put it over the coals, I heard a whimper. We looked over and saw sophia "get rick now" She nodded at my order and left to get him. My head slammed down into the coals, I screamed and pushing myself up quickly, my face was now gonna have a 1st degree burn. I heard people unzipping their tents. I took this opportunity and kicked shane in the crotch. He screamed in pain and rolled off of me, I got up and then was tackled by the one and only shane. I hit the ground hard, I felt the pressure get off of me, then talking. I rolled over and laid on my Back, I looked up and saw sophia, she bent down and hugged me tightly. I wrapped a arm around her and gave the tight embrace back, she was now laying down, head on my chest, sleeping. I laid my head back and breathed hard, soon falling asleep.

When I woke up I felt sore all over. I also was in my tent, I groaned and got up, I sniffed and there was the smell of food. I walked out and saw everyone eating, I walked over and sat by carl, I held my head in my hands "what exactly happened last night y/n" I looked at rick "shane attacked me...." he nodded and handed me a plate of I don't know, what looks to be beans. I started eating till I felt two arms wrap around me "are you ok" I looked over and saw carl hugging me "I'm fine" I heard a groan and I looked over to see shane tied to a tree. I shook my head and ate the rest of my food. "Y/n, c'mere" carol said standing up, carl unwrapped himself from me and I got up. Carol took me to the RV and bandaged my arm and treated my wounds "how did you get burns" She asked while wiping the blood from my cheek "he pushed my head into the coals of the fire" She winced "ouch, well let's get you better" She wiped many of things on my face. The last thing I wanted was to worry anyone.

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