chapter 4

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Your pov

Me and carl were talking, we were behind rick and Shane, it's been a day since we've started walking. Now we're on the highway, walking, passing by cars. I heard laughing and then we turned to the left. A camp sit was set up and one man stood out. "Daryl" he turned around, everyone was silent "y/n?" I dropped my bag and ran at him, we met in the middle and hugged. I gave him a death squeeze, when he put me down he looked at me "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU" he yelled "daryl...I'm sorry...." he pulled me into another hug "I thought I lost you" I heard a laugh "hehehe two daryl's" "sophia stop" a women's voice said back to the girl named sophia. "We haven't seen this side from daryl before" "yeah and you won't ever again Andrea" daryl said. "Ok everyone, this is y/n and she's gonna be the new member" "rick how do you know we can trust her" I pulled away from daryl "mom she's she's been with me, dad, and shane for 3 days" lori I'm guessing hugged rick and Shane looked pissed. A arm was put on my shoulder, I look up and see daryl "well if your staying I guess I need to start naming people off" I nodded and he started. After a few minutes I got everyone's name. Amy, Andrea, and sophia were like sisters, all the he adults were like parents, Mean dale was like a grandpa, shane was the asshole uncle, and last but not least carol was most definitely like my mom. Oh wait and Carl, he has a special place, not like love but as a friend. We all got to know each other, and everyone but Shane was nice.

Shane, I swear if he touches me or anyone I'm going ballistic on his ass. Right now sophia and carl are playing while everyone else is doing something. But me I'm talking to daryl "my bike" he looked up from his bike "it's gone" he sighed and got up "we can probably find a new one" I smile and hug him "I've missed you daryl" he put a arm around me "I've missed you too" "Wheres merle" he stayed silent "daryl?" He sighed again and looked me in the eye "he's gone,we can't find him. Shane said he was crazy and they had cuffed him to a pole on a building, then t-dog accidentally lost the key" I showed sadness but I was happy as could be. "Oh....heh just you and me" I sighed and departed from him, I walked away and played with carl and sophia.

After hours of playing it was dinner, me Carl and sophia sat near each other and ate. "So...y/n are you daryl's daughter" I froze from what Andrea said "Andrea...." daryl started, I sighed and looked at Andrea "my parents died in a car crash, when I was put up for adoption I had a broken arm and no one wanted me. Daryl passed by one day, saw me, and adopted me. He's my 'father' but we just call each other friends" She said sorry and we all went back to eating "that's your first time not crying" daryl joked "it's different now...." he nodded and everything went silent.

After diner everyone spilt, I had my own tent that was by Carl's. He shared one with his mom and dad. I tossed and turned, I huffed and laid on my back looking up at the tent roof, I got up and went out to the fire pit, I just sat there, looking at the fire. I hummed a little then sighed "ya seem down " carol came up to me "just thinking" She smiled and nodded. "So why are you up, carol" "can't sleep" I nod and look back to the slowly but surely dieing fire, just like all of us. (did I make that a little to dark?) We stayed out till carol yawned and left with a goodnight. I sighed once again.

I was lost in thoughts until I felt a tap, I looked over my shoulder and saw daryl "why are you out here this early" "early what-" I looked around "heh....I stayed up really late....I guess all night " daryl yawned and tossed me my gun "we trust you, let's go hunting" I smile and put it in my gun under my waist part of my jeans. We headed out into the woods, time for some squirrels. We head out and daryl hands me a bow with arrows. "I got it a month ago, thinking I'd find you I'd give it to you, remember how to load it" "wow, it's a nice bow daryl" he nodded and I take it, I load it. We walked deeper into the woods "are we gonna have a competition?" Daryl asks "sure, first to 20" I nod and we start. After 3 hours I had 29 while Daryl had 15 "ha I win" I giggled and swung my squirrel necklace around my shoulder. Daryl did the same and we headed back. "That's not fair you know" he broke the silence.

I laughed "I was fair" I said as we walked up onto camp ground. "No it wasn't I declare a rematch" "Pfft" I laughed "you always think your gonna get your way" daryl pushed me and I caught my balance "where have you two been" carol asks worried "huntin'" me and daryl say at the same time. We laugh causing everyone to stare "did he catch all those squirrels" amy asked "we both did" we said at the same time again "what do you think happens when you live with Daryl" I said sitting down and taking off the squirrels and the crossbow "what did he exactly feed you" carl whispered "regular food" I said smiling. Which slowly turned into a frown from a scream, amys scream.

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