chapter 8

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Your pov

I rolled over, waking up from what seemed to be a long rest. I slowly got up and unzipped my tent door. I looked out and saw no one. "Weird" I whispered "hey y/n....." I looked over and saw sophia "how long have I been out..." She sighed "two days" I sighed and walked out, I was automatically hugged by carl. "I didn't want to lose you either" he whispered, I hugged him back and sighed "sorry...." I sighed stuffing my head into his shoulder. We stayed like this till I heard a giggle "you guys are cute together" I let go of carl so fast he almost fell down. I turned to sophia "no we aren't....we're just friends" "yeah just friends" carl mumbled. I walked away to find the adults, it looked like they all were reading a map on the RV's hood. I climbed up to the top and sat down by dale, I put my finger to my lip signaling to stay quite. He nodded and smiled. I laid down and pushed myself up to the edge, where the glass starts. "So we go this way right" Shane asked "yes, we go this way then that" rick said pointing to a dot then to another dot. I put my hand down and pointed at the first dot "where exactly is there?" A few gasps ran out and I scooted back "What's wrong, miss me?" "Y-your up?" Rick asks "mmhm" I got off and walked over, I stood at everyone's stomachs "I hate being short" carol laughed and daryl hugged me "your ok" I wrapped my arms around him and nodded. He let go and I walked back to carl and sophia. I sat down taking it easy. Sophia was playing with her doll and carl, carl he....he's just sitting there being his amazing and cu- wait y/n, m/n, l/n (Your name, middle name, last name) stop what your thinking, he's you friend. I shake my head and look down.

I looked up again and saw rick climbing the RV'S latter, he took the binoculars and looked through them. He put them down then back up. He repeated this till he looked at us, "GET UNDER THE CARS" I got up and stood by carl and sophia "BUT-" "UNDER NOW" we all got under the cars. Me and carl under one, rick next to us under the other car, sophia under the next one, lori and carol under one behind ricks, dale was on top of the RV, daryl, gleen, and shane under the RV. Feet started to walk by and we heard groans. Carl started to shake so I intertwined our fingers and held his hand. He stopped and looked at me "its ok" I mouthed, he nodded and stopped Shaking. When he looked away I looked at ricks car, he put a thumbs up as a gap was made from the feet, I smiled and rest my head on my arm. My shoulder was killing me, there was a moment when the feet stopped. Sophia got out, I got out from under "no y/n" "carl I'll be back" I whispered back. I let go of his hand and looked over the cars, sophia was gone and two walkers ran into the woods. I ran to follow them, maybe find sophia. I ran and ran and ran, nothing was showing up. I soon stopped and looked around "SOPHIA" I screamed out, nothing. I looked around again, trees, trees, more trees, MORE FUCKING TREES. "No, no, no. This can't be happening....I'm lost...."

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