Who are They?

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As I walked by the other cells, women of all shapes and sizes yelled pointless insults and comments like, "Fresh meat!" or "Oh, your too pretty for prison, Princess."

I rolled my eyes, but I knew it could be worst. Unlike the boys, I don't have to worry about dropping the soap.

"Welp," The guard sighed, "here's your cell."

I looked at the small room through the bars. All the walls were made out of cement, and the bars were made out of pure steel. There was a small bed in the corner, but it didn't look very comfortable-like they really cared if we were.

He walked inside with me, let me go then ran back out. He quickly closed me into my small, temporary room. I sat on the small bed and stared at the wall.

"Hey, Princess!" One of the women yelled.

I got up and walked to the bars.

I leaned on the wall, "What?"

Some people laughed. One asked, "Why'd you answer to that?"

I shrugged, "Because I am the princess. Glad ya'll already know your place."

That shut them up.

"So why are you here?" The voice from before asked.

I explained everything. Who we were; What we did; Why we did it; And how we got caught.

"What were the guys like?" Someone asked.

"Well, Wildcat was kind of like our leader. Mini wa-"

"No, what were they like without the masks?"

I sat and thought about what they were like, without the masks. The first thing that came to mind was the frying pan accident.

I didn't know when I agreed to join them, that I had to move in with them.

My first day there was so awkward. Who am I kidding, my first month there was awkward; It just felt like I kept getting in the way.

It's not like they had everything ready. They had a guest room, so it became my new bedroom. It took me forever to adjust to it. It took me forever to adjust to everything, to be honest.

They had to buy more food; They had to do more laundry; They had to buy an extra chair for the dinning room; They couldn't walk around the house in only their boxers anymore-Overall, I just didn't think they were happy that I was there.

Mini's real name was Craig. He was the one that showed me around and told me the rules. He helped me get to know where everything was.

Craig was really sweet and easy to talk to when we weren't on a mission. He was the nurse in the group; He always healed us, emotionally and physically.

After being there for a few months, I went to the store to buy a new blender. When I came back, Basically and Wildcat were fighting in the kitchen. Both of them are very hot headed, so they can argue and/or fight for hours.

I really didn't want to get into it, so I closed the door silently and tried to walk to my room. However, something hit the back of my head. 

Unbearable pain shot from my head, and spread through out my whole body. My vision became blurry, and I began to lose my balance, so I held on to anything that was nearby. I heard the boys yell something, but it was muffled (most likely it was my name, but I still don't know).

Anyway, it wasn't long before I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in my bed and Craig was the first one my vision focused on first.

"C-Craig?" I stuttered weakly.

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