Did You Really Think That Was the Ending?

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We went home but something felt incomplete. I pushed the feeling aside when we walked into the house and Marcel called Simone over. I honestly couldn't let go of any of them. I would go from hugging one of them to the other. I just miss and love them so much.

I took the phone that Ryan gave me out of my pocket and set it off to the side. I only kept it so I could stay in touch with the others. In all honesty, I'm glad I met them because they were so nice and didn't try and hide the truth form me. Ryan was the only one that I didn't like; he was the one behind this and never dropped the act.

I shook it off when the door opened to revel Simone. She looked at me and nearly tackled me to the ground.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" She shouted, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I chuckled and hugged her back, "It was no problem." She pulled away and I saw that her eyes were tearing up. "Don't be getting emotional because if you start crying, then I'll start crying and no one wants to see us crying."

She laughed and tried to stop, but said, "I can't help it."

After she calmed down, we all sat in the front room and talked and talked. I felt whole. I felt like this is what I needed in life; these are the people that make my life worth living, and I'm not sure what I'd do without them.

"You know what?" Tyler said, "We should have those one guys come over and hang out."

I looked at him a gasped dramatically, "Tyler, are you not being an asshole once in your life?"

Everyone laughed and he nods. We agreed that we'll host an event soon and invite them and the heroes.

That's something that we talked about to: we're not stealing anymore. Clearly it got us in a lot more trouble than we could've imagined and we just don't want to deal with it anymore. I was happy and so were they.

It got to a point were we could barely keep our eyes open so we all decided to call it a night. I looked at B.R.I.A.N. and asked, "Do you have a bedroom?"

He laughed and shook his head, "I charge myself in the living room."

I nodded and hugged him and said goodnight. Tyler and I headed to his room while Marcel and Simone headed to his and Craig went to his. We got in there and he changed into sweatpants and no shirt while I changed into one of his shirts.

We crawled into bed and just sat there, enjoying each others presence. I admired his baby blue eyes that never seem to rest, his soft, fluffy brown hair, his pale pink lips, and his chubby jawline. He smiled his gorgeous smiled and pulled me to him as close as he could, "I'm so in love with you."

I smiled back and kissed him passionately. We separated and I breathed, "I know the feeling. I love you too."

We shared one last kiss before dozing off. I missed this, and I never want to leave it again.

When I woke up, Tyler was still asleep and the sun was peaking over his shoulder to tell me good morning. I blinked a few times then focused back on Tyler. He was lightly snoring as his face was squashed against his pillow. I giggled softly and kissed his cheek over and over again until I heard him groan.

"Y/n..." he mumbled, "I'm trying to sleep..."

"And I'm trying to wake your ass up as nicely as possible," I said and kissed his lips, "so get the fuck up."

He playfully glared at me and smirked, "One more kiss and I'll think about it."

I giggled and got close to his lips, but never touched them. "Get your fat, lazy ass up." I whispered.

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