What Do We Do Now?

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BRIAN was still searching through his files when the guy came back. He soon stopped what he was doing so he could look normal.

"So is there a certain place in town you want to live?" He asked.

Now that I actually payed attention to his voice, he did sound familiar. I'm like 99.9% sure I have never seen him before.

"Um, probably somewhere near like stores and markets." I said.

He wrote down the request and then looked back up, "Do you want a places that's already furnished or...?"

"Furnished." Craig said, smiling.

Why does he sound so familiar? Maybe someone I've over heard talking before? Maybe someone I stole from?

"Alright." He said, "I'm guess you want to be near your work, so where do you all work?"

"Alright." He said. We turned around and saw them, "If you surrender now, we'll go easy on you."

"Every single time we see you now and days," I butted in, "you always say that but we always get away."

My partners laughed at the truth while they got even more mad.

"Shush up!" One of the men by his side hissed.

We laughed as Marcel said, "We'd love to," Tyler flew the helicopter up to our level and we got on, "but we have places to be."

And with that we flew away. That was the heist right before we got caught.

That's when I realized who I was talking to: Bat Owl himself.

He continued to ask us questions and eventually excused himself to go and look for a house. The moment he left I looked at the boys, "That's Bat Owl." I said through my teeth.

They looked at me with what-no faces but they soon softened to oh-shit-maybe faces.

He soon came back with a laptop and mumbled to himself while he typed away on it. He pressed enter and started naming off houses at different places around the West side of Los Santos. He should us pictures and asked us to narrow it down to around three to five. We did, but while he was scrolling through, I saw our old house and it said, "BEING SEARCHED" in the description.

Marcel looked at it and said, "Wait, isn't that the house those...um...." He started snapping my fingers, acting like he didn't know the word, "the villains! Yeah, isn't that the house they lived at?"

Evan gulped and said, "Um, I think you-"

Tyler interrupted him, catching on to the plan, "Yeah, it was all over the news! How they got caught robbing a bank. Thank god they're in prison, I probably wouldn't want to even be near here if they were still roaming the city."

Craig nodded in agreement, "Those heroes really are something amazing. If they weren't here, neither would we be."

"Um.." Evan laughed awkwardly.

"Especially Bat Owl." I finished off, squeezing Tyler's hand.

He started blushing.

"Can you imagine what they probably went through to catch them?" BRIAN said.

Evan joined in, trying to act like it was normal to randomly started talking about superheroes, "Probably felt like they went through hell and back."

We laughed it off and went back to the houses. My mind was only focused on this motherfucker who caught us. I don't want to be here anymore; If we get caught, we're going back.

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