Why Me?

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Simone was happy to see me again but a little let down because I didn't have the boys with me. After I slept a bit, I explained to her what I did the night before and why the boys weren't with me. I was starting to talk about the suspicious guy with the omega symbol and she stopped me.

"Wait," she said, "omega symbol? Isn't that like an upside down horse shoe thing?"

I knotted my eyebrows, "That's one way to describe it. Why?"

She ignored my question and stood up, "You said his name was Home, right?"

"Ohm." I corrected and watched as she went to the other room.

I heard shuffling and drawers opening and I was about to ask what she doing until she came back with a...magazine?

She opened it up to a certain page, then set it in front of me. Organized pictures of people side by side made me realize it was a yearbook.

"I used to go to school with this one guy that never exactly fit into a group. I mean there was a lot of people like that, but this guy was the weirdest." She explained, trying to find his picture again, "His last name was Ohm-I always thought it was Home-and he had an obsession with the omega symbol."

She dragged her finger on the fine paper and eventually stopped on one someone. He had somewhat dark, brown hair and eyes to match. His skin wasn't pale, but it wasn't exactly tan either. He was smiling in the picture, but he looked so worried. His senior quote was literally: "Ω".

I looked at his name, "Ryan?"

She nodded and sat back down, "He wasn't smart enough for the nerds nor was he sporty enough for the jocks."

I looked at everyone else's and noticed most of the faces looked familiar. I raised an eyebrow and back tracked in the book. I got to the freshman section and stopped.

"I went to school with him?" I asked myself, very surprised.

Simone looked at my picture, "You went to school with all of us?"

I looked at her, "Us?"

She nodded and turned to more pages, pointing out Marcel, Craig, and Tyler. She was about to turn the page, but I stopped her and pointed at a picture of a person that looked really familiar. I read the name and widened my eyes, "I went to school with Bat Owl too?"

I slid the book closer to me and started flipping through the pages, seeing familiar faces and spotting the other heroes. I told her all about my encounter them and what they said already so I just pointed out who they were and what they looked like now.

"Oh my god," Simone said and I looked at her, "I remember you now, you were in the robotics club."

I scrunched up my face, closed my eyes, and tried to remember.

Good god I was a nerd. If I wasn't in class, I'd be building something in the robotics room. Building was always my passion so when I first joined, I took it seriously and that attitude never changed.

I remember walking in one day and this guy was trying to convince the director of the club to let him in. He just wouldn't let the subject go.

The team and I finally had enough so we all shooed him out. The main thing I remember about him though was the scar on the back of his ear.

I opened my eyes and looked at Simone, "Did he have a sca-"

"A scar on the back of his ear?" She finished my question, "Yeah. He refused to tell anyone about it too."

I sat there and thought for a minute, thinking about all the information that I just gained. "So why did he want to heroes and the villains?" I asked myself.

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