Why Am I Here?

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"Ryan, I seriously can't remember anything." I said.

"Why are you calling me Ryan?" He cried.

"That's what you told me to call you. You said we've known each other since high school and we were friends ever since." I tried to help him remember.

"That's not my name, Y/n!" He screamed.

"Ryan." I whispered.

"Who the fuck is Ryan?" The more I said his name the more angrier he got. "I'm Marcel! Try and remember!"

I shook my head, that was Ryan. He even had the scar behind his ear.

"Y/n." I turned to the Irish accent, "you have to remember me."

"David." I said.

He shook his head, "Brian. Say it. Brian!"

I backed up, "You're David."

It was David, there was no denying it.

"Brian!" He began to scream, "I'm Brian!"

I shook my head and turned away to meet Bryce.

"Y/n, it's me." He said, "Say my name. If you remember me, say my name."

I hesitated, "B-Bryce?"

He turned away, but quickly turned back and screamed, "I love you! How don't you remember? I'm Tyler!"

"I'm sorry." I cried. My head began to throb as tears continued to flow down my face, "I'm so sorry."

"Y/n," another voice said. I turned and saw Anthony, "do you remember any of us?"

"Apparently not!" I yelled, "You just get mad when I say your names even though you told me them earlier!"

He took a deep breath and motioned to himself, "Who am I?"

More tears fell from everyone in the room when I choked out, "Anthony."

He shook his head sadly, "I'm Craig."

They just stared at me. No one said anything and I couldn't even look at them. It was them, it looked like them and sounded like them.

"I don't know who Marcel, Brian, Tyler, or Craig is," I said, "but should I?" I looked up and they all nodded. I sighed, "I'm so sorry."

"You should be." Ryan growled. I was going to turn to him, but a gun shot woke me up.

I gasped and looked around the room that I was in. Same one as earlier. I groaned and relaxed on my pillow, "It was a dream."

I took off my blankets and got up the same way as before. I stood up and saw that Ryan never moved the chair. I grabbed it and tried to use it to guide me through the dark. I hit the wall and search for the light. I turned it on and was met by the same boring room that I can't remember.

I opened the door and looked around. All the doors were shut and because I'm so lucky, I really had to pee. I looked down and saw I was still wearing my oversized shirt. I looked around the hallway and wanted to yell. Which one's the bathroom?

I sighed. Eight doors. One my room. Six others are theirs. Fuck my life.

I growled and turned to go back inside "my room" but a voice that I have never heard before said, "What are you doing?"

I turned and saw Luke diagonal from me. He wasn't wearing anything besides pajama pants so you can see his muscles and abs indented on his pale skin. His voice was masking, like he was hiding something. I don't know what it was, but I was very intimidated by him.

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