Can You Help Me?

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It was dark when I got to the abandoned warehouses that haven't even been looked at for years, or so I thought. The rain just made it more frightening as I drove pass.

Last time Evan's phone was working and/or was on was in this warehouse. It was either destroyed or turned off.

I went a few blocks down and pulled up to a fountain. It won't look suspicious because it's a PokèStop and people will just think I'm behind on trends.

Anyway, I checked all the things I had in my bag and made sure I only got things that I absolutely needed. I hid them anywhere on my body that could fit. Most were in my bra.

I sighed and looked out my window. Rain drops raced down the side as I just kept wasting time. I was stalling, but I couldn't help it. It's been two years since I've even picked up a weapon let alone used one. Making all these new things doesn't count considering they're all just wear-and-tear items and I've never tried them out on anything besides a wall. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened the door, exiting the car.

Street lights pointed out all the cameras. I pulled out a pistol and shot every single one I saw so whoever this bastard is doesn't know that I'm here. If he could hack into B.R.I.A.N., then he could hack into city cameras easily.

That's when I stopped under a cabana of a closing restaurant. What if I'm too late? What if he already killed them and I'm just now getting the memo? Even if they are alive, I have no clue what condition they're in. What if they're not even here and it's just the heroes? There's no way in hell they would help me.

I sighed and started walking again;the only way to know is the see.

I got a block away from it and went into the alley in between two buildings. I walked to the end, stopped, and leaned on the wall. I lifted my sleeve and made the radar on my watch check for body heat. It can scan the whole city if I wanted it to, so I knew I was close enough. I zoomed in so I could only see this block. The warehouse had at least seven hotspots on the inside so it wasn't abandoned.

Four were huddled together while one was in front of them and the other two were on the roof. I knotted my eyebrows and peeked over the corner, not seeing anyone on the roof. I went back to my original placement and took a sharp breath.

I took a hair pin out of my hair and made sure the hidden scanner read my fingerprint. The pin soon turned to a tiny drone and flew up. I turned on the camera and watched as my watch soon showed me looking at my wrist. It was silent, but I'm not sure if it'll stay like that.

I took my chance and started directing it to the warehouse. I flew high so I could see if two people were on the roof and they were, but scoping out the area. They were wearing some weird things. They both had hats on but I can swear one of those hats were shaped like a panda.

I shook off the weird fashion statement and made my drone go through a little part of chipped glass and look around until I saw a faint light. I got lower and the back of a man came into view. He had his head down and he looked skinny and not too strong. He sat up straight, showing off his plaid, green shirt, broad shoulders, and...paper bag?

"What?" I whispered as he stretched and stood up. I widened my eyes, he was so tall, maybe just short of Tyler.

I knew he was the guy in front of the four people huddled together, but due to it being so dim, I couldn't see who it was. But that all stopped when the guy with the paper bag over his head turned around with a 9mm and shot start at the drone. I jumped as my screen turned to static.

I growled as I turned my watch back to the heat detectors and watched as he walked to the drone. The other two soon going into the building to see what was wrong.

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