Who Are These Guys?

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I drove to the warehouse we thought they were at. I checked it out with the help of my watch, but no one was there. I growled as I parked the car and hit the wheel, "Dammit!"

"Try the one o-" Evan tried to say but I interrupted him.

"I don't have time to check every fucking warehouse in Los Santos!" I shouted, "I wasted enough time saving you four!"

"You know," Batccoon said, starting to get on my last nerves, "we don't have to help you. In fact, we don't even need to be here."

I heard him shuffle and grab the door handle. I grabbed the gun that I hid in my pant leg, cocked it, turned all the way around, and pointed it at him. He stopped and stared at me, waiting for me to make a move. The car was silent and I knew I wasn't going to do anything, but they didn't.

"You call yourself a hero, correct?" I said calmly, scaring him a bit more. After him not answering, I yelled, "Correct?"

"Yes!" He shakily hollered back.

"Then prove it." I said and took the gun away from him, but not my eyes.

After he closed the door, I put the gun back in my leg holster. I sat back up and gripped the wheel. I didn't look at any of them, but I asked, "Anyone remember anything else about that one guy?"

No answer.

"None of you remembered what he looked like?"

After a long silence, I was going to ask another question, but Batccoon said, "They're in the warehouse near the pier."

I knotted my eyebrows, "What?"

He sighed and started to talk again, "They're six of them altogether. They call themselves 'The Rejects' because they've all tried to join different gangs or groups but all got rejected. Their ultimate goal is to destroy other gangs."

I turned around and was about to ask something when Evan stole the words right out of my mouth when he turned around, "How do you know this."

He was quite for a long time, then looked out the window. "I'm friends with a few of them." He nearly whispered.

"You're friends with gang members?" He shouted at the blue-eyed male. He looked at him and Evan took that as a sign to continue, "We are supposed to be heroes and you hang out with people like that?"

"I've been friends wth them for ten years!" Batccoon defended himself.

"They're the reason we're even here!" Evan yelled louder. He was completely turned in his seat now. He's knees took the place of his ass.

"No, they're not!" He screamed back, "We're here because of people like her," he pointed to me, "who think robbing innocent people is a great career choice!"

"How the fuck do you think they destroy other gangs?" Evan screamed louder, "They don't just tell them off and expect them to never talk again. No, they fucking kill them, Jon!"

"No they don't!" He screamed, getting out of his seat.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I wasn't the one who's friends with them." Evan said sarcastically, "Tell me, Jon, what do you think they do? I'm sure they just pat them on the wrist and let them go, right?"

Batccoon, or Jon, clearly heard enough from his leader and grabbed him by the collar of his suit. They got in each other's faces and Jon growled, "I am a hero. I would never befriend a murder no matter how long I've been friends with them. You and I both know this so let the subject go."

He let go of his collar and sat back down. They stared at each other for a while, then Jon looked out the window. The car was full of hot breath that reeked of their nasty breath due to the fact they weren't able to brush their teeth in the pass god only knows how many days. I kept my eyes on Evan and glanced at the other two heroes who were also looking at the dumbfounded male. Evan finally gave up on the argument that verbally ended a while ago and sat back in his seat properly.

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