Chapter 5

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Seth cleared his throat. "We're here for an Academy outfit, to match her dragon," he said.

Hannah's face lit up at once. "Oh! A new student!" She clapped her hands together. "How exciting!" She looked like she would start bouncing up and down at any moment. "And what color should this outfit be?"

Again, Akira shot Seth a pleading look to ask for help. How should I know?

"White, it should be white," Seth announced. His voice suggested that there was a greater meaning to this.

Hannah's eyes widened, and her mouth formed an 'oh' as her gaze darted back to Akira. She looked her over, as though seeing her in a new light. Feeling uncomfortable, Akira shifted her weight from one foot to another. She didn't like this feeling of being the center of attention.

"I believe you already made it some time back," Seth said breaking the silence.

Hannah nodded. Suddenly, she seemed to come alive. "Yes, as soon as I heard the rumors that he was around." She bobbed her head up and down.

Akira could only guess that 'he' had to be Redemption. Her eyes narrowed. Why would Hannah have made an outfit for me once she heard about him?

"Alas, I didn't know what size his rider would be, so I made a few," Hannah continued. "Of course, I thought that someone from the Academy would wear it..." she trailed off as Seth shook his head at her. Hannah's mouth formed another 'oh' and she nodded, pretending to zip her lips. "Well then," she said as she turned and hurried off into the back of the room. She disappeared behind a pile of saddles.

"I'll be right with you!" her muffled voice called.

Akira frowned. There was something going on that involved her and Redemption. She was sure of it, and yet what it could be she had no idea. However, it seemed that everyone else did. She shot Seth a questioning look, but he just shrugged. Realizing that he wasn't going to explain, Akira turned her attention to the rest of the room. Upon catching sight of three leather dragon saddles, draped over a wooden rack nearby, she walked over to them.

For a moment she stood, staring at them. Hesitating, she carefully reached out with one hand and traced a finger along one of them. It's beautiful.

Every stitch was done to perfection, each helping to hold the saddle together in its own way. The patterns the stitches formed were absolutely stunning. They formed pictures of flowers and dragons, each as delicate as the next.

"Ah, here it is!" Hannah exclaimed from where she was rummaging about.

Akira turned to see her pop back into sight. There was a bundle of something white engulfed in her arms.

"I think this one is the closest to your size." Hannah's eyes twinkled. She came over and handed the bundle over.

Akira took it carefully before she looked at Hannah in confusion. In reply, Hannah nodded to the bundle, prompting Akira to find out for herself what it was. Not hesitating, Akira began to unroll it. Her eyes went wide as a pair of beautiful white leather gloves came into view. Slowly, she reached out and touched them. Upon feeling how delicate and smooth they were she quickly withdrew her hand, scared that she might tear them.

"So, what do you think?" Hannah asked eagerly.

Akira raised her eyes, disbelief in them. "Are-are they for me?" She asked.

"Of course!" Hannah exclaimed beaming. "So is the rest." Her smile grew wider and wider as Akira finished unrolling what was left of the bundle.

Once done, Akira found that she was holding a one-piece outfit, which looked exactly like Seth's, except that it was white. It was made of a soft material, yet not quite as soft as the gloves. On the inside of the pant area, there was soft padding, Akira guessed was meant to make dragon riding more comfortable. Turning it around she saw an emblem of a dragon, which stood on its hind legs, imprinted on the back in black.

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