Chptr uno

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Fronk n gerrd were doing the frick-frackle n then moikee walkd in n he was liek "oh" n then gerd was lik "GET OUTTA MI SWAMP" n then ray walked in n he wus liek "well fuk" n then frnk strtd screming at them so they strtd to back awy slwly but thn fronk thrustd so hrd nto gerd (bc #FrankTops2k16) tht gerd turnd into a frog.

Thn, moikee was lik "O NO MY BRUTHR TRNED NTO A FROG" n Ray took off the snglsses tht nobdy knw he wus even wering n said "Thts no ordnry frg... IT'S DAT BOI!!" n then gerd/dat boi pulld a unicycl out of thn air n strted riding it n all tht dat boi shit. "OH SHIT WADDUP" fronk yelld as dat gerd cntinued to rid in crcles on his unicycl.

"WE GOTTA FND A PRNCSS TO KISS GERD SO HE TRNS BCK NTO A PRINC!!!1!1" yelld moikee. Thn fronk strtd cryng bc he ddn't wnt any1 els to kiss gerd. "I hav plan!!!1!" sed ray. "Is it a smple plan??", jokd moikee n frnk kickd him in the nuts bc his joke was terribl. "How culd ths hppn 2 meh? I'v maed mi mistks... Got nowhr to run... Teh nigt gos on as im fding awy... Im sik of dis lief... I jst wnna screem...", moikee qietly sang as he rolld arond on teh flor in pain.

Fronk kicked him again.

"Anywy, mi plan wus we cud get fromk 2 dres up as a prncss n kiss gerd" sed ray. B4 any1 cud protest, fronk was in a prncss costum.

2 be comtinud...

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