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"All we have to do is buy some coffee, set it on the ground somewhere, and wait." sed Dan. "I can confurm dat dis is 182% tru." replied Moikee. "AAAAYE" screechd Ben, causng evry bird withn a 50 mile radius to fal out of teh sky and die. "Probably never do that again." sed Dan, plaecing his hand on Ben's sholdr. Ben sighd, loking down at the ground. "Anyways, we're going to buy the coffee at Walmart because Starbucks is fucking expensive." sed Dan.


At Wal-Mart

"Where even is the coffee?" askd Dan, as they walkd around. "I dunno." replid Ben. As they wer loking arond, they noticd beebo urie was in the store too!!!1!11!3! (buying some milk)

"BEEBO!" yeled Ben. Beebo turnd around, slihgtly confusd, then he saw Dan n Moikee. "O hi moikee. O hi dan. And who da fak r u?" sed beebo. "Bella." sed Ben?. "Wait I thought ur name wus Ben... Arnt u a boy?" askd Moikee, confizzled. Ben/Bella shrugd. "Jus cal me B." sed B. Beebo was jus standing ther also sligtly confizzled. "Oh they're our little buddy helping us find Gerard, who turned into dat boi." sed Dan. B silently thankd Dan 4 using teh corect pronoun. "O." sed beebo. "If I may ask, why exactly are you buying milk?" Dan askd. Beebo jus shook his hed.

N evry1 knew teh anser 2 dat qeston.


"Y R THER SO MANY DIFRENT COFEES?" B screchd. Moikee shrugd. "Idk." he sed, pikcing out teh leest expensiv cofe. "Les go." sed B, n they went up 2 pay 4 it. "Dat'll be 4.27." sed de persun at da chekcout thing. "Wate a minut r u who i think u r?" askd B. Teh guy shrugd. "Depends who u think I am." sed teh guy. B lookd at his nametag. 'Jawsh' it sed. "R u Jawsh Dun?" askd B. Jawsh noded. "Kool." B mumbled. N then they left.

To be continued...

(A/N: This was really just a filler chapter and it makes absolutely no sense but honestly, what part of this DOES make sense? I think I might stop typing like an idiot except for in the dialogue and names, simply because I'm forgetting how to speak English because of this story. I wish I was joking :/. I'm starting school again on August 8th so I'm trying to write a lot more in the days I have left, perhaps a chapter a day, simply to keep you guys from having to wait weeks for me to update this during the school year.

Fun fact: I wrote all of this at church.)

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