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Moikee n Dan walkd back towrds Pete's hous. "Okay, Mikey. You just have to hide in that tree and I'll take care of the whole 'magical eyeliner' thing. Don't let Pete see you." sed Dan. Moikee nodded n usd his frekishly long legs 2 climb teh tree.

Dan knokd on Pete's dor. "O hi Danyul." sed Pete. "No time for greetings, Pete. I need some of that magic eyeliner." sed Dan. "O come insid." replid pete.

Moikee jus sat in teh tree 4 a whil, n then sudenly, he herd a voic. "O hey Moikee." sed teh voic. Moikee turnd arond n ther wus sum kid sittng ther. "Who teh fuk r u?" askd Moikee. "I'm Benjamin Ross Cargill, worl famus potato." they replid. "Wel, ben, how teh fuk do u kno who I am?" askd Moikee. "Um ur kind of in a band????????" sed Ben. "O yea I forgot." Ben rold ther eys. "Watevr. Nyways, y r u in a tree?" Moikee sighd.

"Wel it al strtd wen Gerd turnd nto dat boi." sed Moikee. Ben laughd. "Oh shit waddup." they sed. Moikee rold his eys n continud the rest of teh story.


Wen Dan finaly came out of Pete's hous, Ben n Moikee jumpd down from the tree, Ben grabing onto Dan's leg n not leting go. "Let go of me you emo weirdo!" yeld Dan. "Y don't u luv me fathr?" sed Ben. "I'm not your dad!" then Ben strtd crying. "Nonono don't cry," sed Dan.


Then Moikee slapd Dan. Ben was stil crying nto Dan's leg. "Danyl u betr watch urself. Dis is my smol emo fren. He's gona help us with dis whole dat boi thang." sed Moikee. Ben resistd teh urge 2 corect Moikee's choice of pronouns. "Oh sorry I thought he was just some weird emo kid." sed Dan. Ben rold their eys. "Liek u hav room to talk." They sed.


"So Mikey, we just need to find Gerard and apply the magic eyeliner to him." sed Dan. Moikee looked down for a moment and mumbled "Wel u see I rly don't kno wher he went so..." Dan laughed a bit. "Oh I know. We're going to set a trap. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."


(A/N: I took a break from this for a while because the whole MCRX thing caused me to get a little bit depressed. I'm okay now, though. Don't worry. :) )

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