Cheptar tow

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Frnk leaned in 2 kis dat gerd but then gerd unicycld away. "Gerd nuu!!1!!!11" Frnk yeld n strtd runin aftr him. "Fllw dat dat boiiii!!" Ray n Moikee screched. "No fak u" Gerd sed n rolld out th dor. "NO GERD COM BAK" fronk scremd n they cntinued to chas him.

But, wen they went otsid, they cudnt find gerrd!!! "O NO HE GONE 4EVR" moike yeld n strtd cryng again. Thn fronk strtd cryin 2. "Nonono guys don't cri I hav anothr idea." sed ray. Nobdy sed nythng so he jst told them.

"Thr r 3 plces he cud be.
1. Strbux
2. Hot Topic
3. Tht 1 comic book stor down th stret.
We can jus splt up n lok 4 him thn meet bak up at home at liek 5. K?" Ray finishd.

"Ray u fucking genius!!1!1" yeld moike. "Yeh I kno :)" ray replid. Fronk lokd up at ray all confuzzled. "HOW THE FAK DID U SAY :) OUT LOUD??" he yeld. Ray shrugd.


Mcr Crack Fic (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें