chooptoor foor

594 46 42

"GERD!! GERRRRRRDD!!!!" Moikee yeld. Gerd didnt look bak as he unicycled away, 2 fast 4 Moikee 2 c wher he went.

Thn amazingphil showd up out of nowher. "Moikee listn 2 me!! U seem 2 be in need of sum halp wit ur frind gerd. Go to teh top of Mount Meme n u wil meet teh meme lord.  He wil tel u wat to do." he sed b4 he disaperd.

"O" sed moikee n thn he txtd the guys.

Hello mi dudes Ill be on Mt. Meme if u need me.

N then he went to mt. meme to meet the meme lord (and he didnt even know who the meme lord was)

2 B continued...

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