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(A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I've been on vacation and stuff and now I'm going home, so I'll get to write more. :). But yeah, back to the shitty crack fic.)

'Mt. Meme' teh sign red. Moikee lokd up at teh rediculusleh tal mountan. Was gerd evn worth dat much?¿? Meh. Moikee considerd just wlkng bak home n givng up, but thn he rembrd that fronk wud get rly sad witout gerd. Moikee knew that teh mem lord wud help him.


Moikee reachd th top of teh montn. It wus rly cold. Ther wus a cav wit a sign on it that sed 'Meme Lord inside' on it. Moikee wlkd insid. "HELOO?" he cald. Thn sum guy in a al blak cloak apeard. "Hello. I am Daniel, the me- OH MY GOD ARE YOU MIKEY WAY OF MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE?!" teh guy in th cloak sed. "Um yea? Y do u tlk so funy?" askd moikee. "I don't??" replid Dan. Moikee shrugd. "Wait, r u dat 1 guy from utub who maks th vidos wit his husbnd phil?" askd moikee. "Yes. Yes I am. Anyways, why have you requested my help, Mikey?" sed Dan. "Wel, mi broth-" "GERARD WAY?" Dan interuptd. "Yea yea gerd. He turnd nto dat boi." Dan gaspd at wut moikee sed. "We gotta get some magic eyeliner from Pete Wentz in order to change Gerard back into the sheriff of emo town!" Dan sed. Moikee strtd cryng agen. "What's wrong?" askd Dan. Moikee just crid hrdr. "PETE LEFT ME FR PATRIK STMP!!" he yeld. Dan put his hnd on Moikee's sholdr. "It's okay. You still have Ray." sed Dan.

Moikee realisd tht Dan wus rite.
Moikee remmbered how much it bothrd ray wen he strtd datng pete.
Moikee remmmbrd how much he usd 2 luv ray.

(hehe cliffhanger)

Mcr Crack Fic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now