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(A/N: As I said last chapter, I'm going to type like a normal human being for most of the story except for dialogue from certain characters and their names.)

Dan, B, and Moikee all walked to the woods. "Y r we going nto teh woods Danyul?" asked Moikee. "I swear to god if you don't stop calling me Danyul I will choke you to death." Dan replied. "Dat dindt rly anser my qeston but ok." Said Moikee. Dan sighed. "We're just going into the woods because if people see an emo kid, a bassist from an emo band, and a recovering emo youtuber all sitting around a bag of coffee beans they might think we're summoning Satan." B laughed. "Or da cofee god." they said. "Gerd is da cofee god. We're basicly tryng to sumon teh cofed god." added Moikee.


Dan set the bag of coffee beans on the ground, and they all waited. "I don't think it's working." said Dan, after 20 minutes had passed. And then, they heard some rustling in the bushes. B's eyes widened with something between excitement and terror as they witnessed the familiar frog head pop out from a bush. Dan pulled the magic eyeliner out of his pocket and ran over to Gerd, applying it to Gerd's lower eyelid.

And then, Gerd turned back into a human.

The only problem is, he was naked, since he was doing the buttsecks with Fronk when he transformed into Dat Boi. "B, are you seriously fucking drooling?" muttered Dan. B nodded, salivating over Gerd's body. "Dafuq dude im taken." Gerd said, attempting to cover his exposed body. B shrugged. "Ur stil hawt." they stated.


And so, Dan, Moikee, and B brought Gerd back home.

"O mi gawdd, ur bak!" Ray and Fronk said simultaneously, Ray wrapping his arms tightly around Moikee, and Fronk awkwardly hugging naked Gerd. "Wate a minit... Did u di ur hair?" Moikee said to Ray. Ray nodded, his pink fro bouncing. Dan and B just watched the four men re-unite, smiling. "Looks like we did a good job, B." said Dan. B nodded, taking off their beanie, their long blonde hair falling out of it. "Yes we did, Dan." they replied.

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