speak up!

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I missed writing poems so I thought why not

Inspired by the play I am acting in this summer 💜💜

Title : Speak Up!

They have stolen our voices, locked them up in bottles and left us to wither away. They ripped our identities away and left us blind of who we are or who we are meant to be.
They stuffed thoughts into our heads and opinions that are not our own.
They made up a reality that we can't see through, a reality that is nothing but an illusion of fear and everything that isn't right.
They turned us into puppets they control and clowns whose emotions are no longer known.
We laugh and smile and no one knows what is really inside us. We became a hollow body of nothing but bones and veins that pump with iciness and greed.
They pushed hearts inside our chests that that aren't our own , hearts that feel nothing but hatred and jealousy.
Hearts that lie and cheat, hearts that turns black with each passing week.
Who are we? What are we supposed to be?
Are we humans? Is that what we were created to be?
But if we aren't humans then what are we?
What have we made ourselves become?!

A world of evil , world of black where the heartless are the only ones on the throne and those who care are murdered in the streets.
A world that treats difference as a felony and creativity as a crime.
A world where your race matters and religion is pointed out.
A world so disgusting suicide became the only way out for people who became victims of them; the people behind all this.
The people scarring our arms and damaging our souls.
The people laughing behind the saints masks.
How did we come to this?
How did this all happen?
Why aren't we stopping what is happening?
Why are we all silent?
Speak up! Before it is too late!
Speak up!
Speak up before we all burn in the flames of our own mistakes! And nothing is left but ashes that ask for one more chance.

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