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There is three hundred and sixty days in a year. Exactly eight thousand and seven hundred sixty hours. To be more specific there is five hundred, twenty five thousand and six hundred minutes a year. Have you ever just sat down and thought of how many of those precious moments you have wasted. Have you ever thought of how many of those you spent blinded by red blood anger or Enveloped in bitter hatred. Have you ever thought about how many of those minutes you sat side by side with breaking jealousy or killing regret.

How many opportunities you wasted and how many words you let unspoken. Have you ever thought of what could have happened if you hadn't wasted a certain amount of time?

Our time on this Earth is limited. There is no certainty how long we are going to be or when we are going to die. We aren't really sure of what could happen or what could go wrong.

Thinking of it every moment could be your last. Every conversation could be your last time talking to someone. Every action you take could be your last memory to someone. It is so scary thinking about it, so terrifying. But it is the truth.

So don't delay your apologies, if you love someone tell them, if you want something go out and get, if you have a dream make it come true. Don't wait till it is too late and your sand glass is empty. Because one day you are going to look back and regret the life you have lost.

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