Nostalgia (NoochMxNoochLover)

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Hope you like it NoochLover

Natasha walked downstairs, groaning, she was definitely not a morning person.  Who ever said you had to get up early anyway?  But Mat wanted to take her somewhere, so she had given in.  As she stepped into the kitchen of her apartment, an idea came into her mind.  She decided to get back at him for making her waste a perfectly good morning of sleep.  She crept up behind him; he was facing the other way, gazing out the window.  She leapt at him, grabbing him around the waist.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh”, a very unmanly scream came out of his mouth.  Natasha lost it; she clutched her stomach as she burst into laughter.  The look on his face was too stronk for her to bear.  He looked at her shocked for a moment before realizing what had occurred.

“Why Natasha, you know I have a weak heart, y y you almost killed me!”  He stuttered, trying to catch his breath, “Why would you do that?  Who does that?” 

“I do”, she replied, catching him in a kiss, which he passionately returned, deepening it.  They broke away gasping for air.  He held her tight to him, he loved her so damn much it hurt.  She was so beautiful, (Sorry if I describe you wrong NoochLover, just kind of made up what you looked like XD)   her long hair hanging past her shoulders, in no particular fashion.   Her hazel eyes, shining at him as brightly as the sun. 

“So why did you take away my beauty sleep?”  Natasha asked.

“I want to take you out today, for our three year anniversary.”  He replied, smiling warmly.  He grabbed her hand and led her outside to his car. 

He took her to the fair that had just come into town.  They spent the day going on rides and playing games.  Mat’s favorite part was when they went on the Farris wheel, and how, on the top, they could see the entire fair.  He loved that she was there to share his happiness.   Natasha’s favorite part was when they were playing on the midway, and Mat spent 20 bucks trying to win a giant teddy bear on a game where you had to knock over all of the blocks with a baseball.   She didn’t think he should have spent so much on one game, but thought it was really sweet, how hard he tried.  She couldn’t help but smile when the huge brown bear was handed to her.  After a long day, she thought they were going to head home, but Mat told her he had one more surprise in store. 

One hour later, they reached their destination.  Mat covered her eyes, wanting it to be a surprise.  When he took his hands off her eyes, she gasped.  It was where they had their first date.  It was an Italian restaurant, with simply furnishing and beautiful tables, made of dark brown wood.  Their first date had been short, but sweet, and she had loved every moment of it. 

“Mat, I love it!”  She loved this restaurant so much.

“I knew you would”, He knew her so well.

She ordered the same thing she had when he asked her to be his girlfriend, the cheese lasagna.  He laughed, deciding on the marguerite pizza, which he had also gotten on that day.  As they waited for their food, they talked about the fair, and their memories of going as kids.  The conversation eventually shifted to YouTube, and Mat told her of the crazy stuff Mitch and Jerome did on a livestream a couple days ago.  She laughed with him, hearing about their chair baseball in Mitch’s basement.

When the food came, they stopped the conversation for a while to enjoy the delicious gourmet food the restaurant had.  Mat excused himself to the restroom, trying not to show Natasha how nervous he was.  He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to calm himself down, he was sure she would say yes, but the doubts were overwhelming him. 

“Where is he”, Natasha muttered to herself, Mat had been in the restroom for a while now.  She hoped he was ok.  The dessert was going to be here soon, but he still wasn’t back.  She sat alone at the table, trying to think of something else to occupy her mind.  

Mat left the restroom, deciding to ignore his fears.  He noticed the look of relief on her face when he returned. 

“What took you so long?”  The concern in her voice was obvious. 

“I was just preparing.”  Well, now or never. 

“Natasha, you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met, and I have loved you ever since I met you.  I could not survive without you, and I hope that you would give me the honor of spending the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me?”  She looked at him, her eyes wide, and her mouth dropping open. 

“Mat… I…” This wasn’t a joke, he was dead serious.   For once the jagmaster looked genuinely scared.  She threw her arms around him, kissing him dead on the lips.  Sparks exploded for both of them, the kiss showing all of their love for each other.   Both of them loved each other, and it was perfect.

“I’m guessing it’s a yes?” He asked, after they finished.

 “Of course Mat!”      

Hope you enjoyed this oneshot, will be posting more soon… 

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