I still love you (Woofmit)

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500 reads!?   ERMAGERD!  Here’s the next one shot, it’s a songfic.  Some of these lyrics might be a bit off.  Anyways, enjoy!

Rob sits silently, watching the first episode of his and Dakota, or KermitPlaysMC’s let’s play, Crush Depth, episode one. 

“Hey what is going on everyone, my name is Woofless and I am playing today with KermitPlaysMC.”  He can hear himself and Dakota laughing and talking, like they have no other care in the world, oh why can’t it be like that anymore between them.  They were having so much fun together.  Why did everything have to change? 

I know your staring at me, and I’m staring right back at you

We both need to come to our senses, there’s nothing more we can do

Rob stared at the screen, unable to stop the tears that come down his face as he thinks about what good friends he and Dakota had been.   Now Dakota was no longer in Team Crafted, and they hadn’t spoken in months.

Don’t try to compromise, it gets us nowhere the hates from somewhere

Don’t try to rationalize, I don’t want to go there, I can only say this one thing

He wished so much that he could see his frog again, but he knew he would probably never record with him again, and that though hurt him so much. 

You stole my love and you never gave it back, you broke my heart, you’re nothing, it’s just the way I see you

It had seemed so perfect, but then it had all burned down, everything was gone now, destroyed in a bad fight.  Dakota had left him, and took with him, his happiness. Now they were almost like strangers, everything that happened between them unimportant, in the blink of an eye.

I’ve tried to break free, but there’s no escaping now.

Why did he still love Dakota so much, he felt like he was trapped in an addiction, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape from it, and it was only harming him now.

There’s nothing worse than being, I’m happy with who you are

We both know we’re locked in a dream, the dream that has no happy ending.

Rob’s life seemed like a nightmare, he recorded just as much as he used to, but YouTube had lost its meaning to him.  He was unhappy with his life, and he didn’t know what to do from here.

I fell for you, but you were never there to catch me no

He had given everything to the one he loved, but Dakota had left him, with nothing.  Dakota had never loved Rob the way Rob loved him.  Dakota had left him, Their fight had been awful, so much that should have stayed unsaid.  He didn’t know if their friendship would ever recover from it.  His parting words were burned into his mind.

“You don’t understand Rob; you’ve never gone through what I have, if you had, you wouldn’t be as happy as you are.  Huh, you don’t care if you gain popularity from larger YouTube channels; you need all the help you can get.”   His heart still stung, even after almost three months.

Oh baby we tried, and baby we failed, we’ve run out of trust

Was it his fault?  Was it something he had said?  Rob would do anything for a chance to fix their relationship, even if they had to just be friends again.

I have no emotions, they’ve been stolen away by you

The video ended, and Rob headed to bed, it was almost two in the morning.  But he didn’t care, nothing seemed to matter anymore, he hadn’t smiled in forever. 

Rob stared up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come to him, hoping it would bring good dreams, and perhaps a bit of happiness. 

He was in minecraft, inside a small dome, under about three hundred blocks of water, with a friend, Kermit.  They mined together, searching for caves.  

          “Stay away the love, come on down and give me a hug.”  Woofless sang as he watched Kermit slowly coming down the mine.

          “Did you see me fish?”  He was fishing for the first time, in a small underground lake.

          “Help Help Friendship!”  Kermit cried, about to lose some diamonds.

          He felt happier asleep than awake, where he could forget about his sorrows, and in his dreams, Dakota was there, and they were still friends.  But when Rob woke up, he would realize none of that had really happened, and that he still loved Dakota as much as he ever had.  Even though Dakota no longer loved him.

You stole my love and you never gave it back

You broke my heart, you’re nothing, like the way I see you

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