The Farris Wheel (BethanyKillxAntvenom)

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Kind of a shorter one, but I hope you guys will enjoy it just as much as the others.

          “The Fair, we’re going to the Fair?”  Bethany’s mouth dropped open.  How had Taylor known she loved it so much?  She hadn’t been there since she was a little kid, and thinking about the rides and games made her feel like one again.  Taylor smiled at her; he loved it when she was happy, because it made her only that much more beautiful, and her happiness was very contagious.

          “Come on, let’s go.”  He tugged on her arm, and they ran outside. 

He heard a squeal from Bethany when the rides first came into view. 

          “Look at all those rollercoaster!  That teddy bear is huge,” She gasped, “look at the Ferris wheel!”  It was very big, and every cart had a shade covering it, and a unique color.  As they got closer to the fair, she realized it was covered in what looked like hundreds, and hundreds of tiny lights, which were multicolored as well. She gazed at the people who were riding it, and they looked almost like ants at the very top of the wheel.

          “We have to go on that today!”  She didn’t notice Taylor’s wince when she brought up the Farris wheel.  He was scared of heights, especially on Ferris wheels.  He was okay on roller coaster; usually they went so fast, he didn’t even have time to think of how high he was.  But on a Ferris wheel, it was meant to be a slow ride, where you could see extremely far, because you were very high of the ground.  Taylor had never gotten over his fear, and had been teased many times because of his fear for going on it.  But Bethany seemed so excited to go on it, so he kept his mouth shut.

          Not long after, they arrived at the parking lot.  They gave the lady in the front their tickets, and then they were in.  It was quite a sight.  There were many vendors, selling everything from pretzels to ice cream.  Behind the vendors, who were calling out to the crowd, telling them what they were selling, were the many different games.  The huge prizes on that could be won there, were easily seen.  And then there were the rides.  Rollercoaster, merry-go-rounds and water rides and of course, the Ferris wheel. 

          Bethany and Taylor decided to head to the games, but not before grabbing some cotton candy and popcorn

          “Hot dogs, hot dogs, get your hot dogs here!”  “Fresh hot pizza!”  Bethany smiled, she had missed the feel of the fair, it was loud exciting, and tasty.  She ate some of her sweet, cloud-like candy, relishing in its sweetness.  They stopped at a game, where the goal was to throw ping pong balls into small glass dishes, floating on water.  They paid for twenty balls, each taking ten.  It was a lot harder than it looked, for the light ping pong balls kept bouncing out of the dishes.  Bethany managed to get one in, and she won a soft penguin plush. 

          They didn’t get any more in, and eventually moved on.  They played many games, not really caring if they won any, it was fun to try though.  Bethany went to throw away her cotton candy stick, while Taylor walked to a new game.  He aimed his water gun at the target, and when the bell rang, he kept his gun still, trying to be the first to pop his balloon.  However, someone else won, and he got second. 

          As the day wore on, it was only getting hotter and hotter.  By 11:00, both of them were sweating, their clothes sticking to their skin uncomfortably. 

          “Hey Bethany, do you want to go on the river rafting ride?  We’ll be cooler after.”  The heat was getting unbearable.  Bethany nodded, and they headed towards the rides. 

          She knew they were going to get soaked when the seats were literally dripping water.  And she was right.  The raft spun around many times on the rough rapids, water was splashing everywhere, and sometimes random water would spout out next to them, giving them an unexpected shower.  By the end, both were thoroughly soaked, head to toe.  They decided to go on a roller coaster next to dry off.

          After going on multiple rides, night was falling; Bethany noticed that the lights around the fair were turning on.  The Ferris wheel was one of the brightest rides in the park.

          “How about the Ferris wheel next?” She asked.

“Ok” Why not, fearing heights is silly.  Taylor was trying to convince himself that he would be fine.  As they got closer, the Ferris wheel only got bigger and bigger.  When they got in line, he began to panic.  What if it gets stuck at the top again?  Should he tell Bethany, or would she laugh at him?  He took deep breaths, trying to calm down.  However, as the front of the line approached, he began to sweat; he nervously rubbed his hands on his pants.

“Taylor?  Are you okay?”  She glanced worryingly at her boyfriend.  Taylor couldn’t go on this ride, he just couldn’t.

“I’m kind of scared of heights.” He mumbled, but she still heard him clearly.

“Oh!  Why didn’t you tell me, we didn’t have to go on this ride!” 

“You seemed so happy, and I wasn’t sure what you’d think.” He was happy to get this off his chest, and he felt quite relieved.

“I don’t care at all, and besides, we’ve had a great day, and we did so many other things this barely matters.” Taylor could see exactly why he loved Bethany so much, right now.  For one, she was awesome to hang out with, but she was also caring, and considerate of others.  In his eyes, she was the most wonderful and perfect girl in the world, and he wouldn’t give this day up for anything.

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