Love can be sweet (AntvenomxCountBleck)

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Lexi walked down the halls to her next class, science.  She could hear the whispers about her, loud and clear, but she tried to ignore them.  She was who she wanted to be, and no one could change that.

“Why does she do that?”  “No one will love her now!”  

Lexi had hardened her cover, determined to stay strong, and would not let anyone see the soft waves of emotion that she hid inside her, how much she longed for someone to love her.  NO!   I don’t want love, it only hurts you!  She avoided the popular group at her school with great precaution.  She had heard many stories of girls and boys falling in love with them, and having their hearts broken cruelly, in front of the entire school.  Especially from one boy, the most popular of all, Taylor.  His looks had drawn many in, before he would break them apart.

As she took notes in her class, one particular whisper caught her attention. 

“She’s just doing this to get attention, don’t pay attention to that biotch!”  It was Sarah, a rich and snobby girl, who was the “queen bee” you could say.   Lexi pretended she didn’t hear it, trying to concentrate on human anatomy instead.  She drew her hand through her honey colored hair, breathing slowly.  

Right after class, she went to the restroom, and she looked at herself in the mirror, asking herself for the hundredth time, why.  Why!  WHY!  Why couldn’t she be herself without being called and attention seeker?   She should be able to make her own choices, and choose who she wanted to be!  What if she liked saying what was on her mind, and not caring what others thought?  Was it bad to be a little insane sometimes?

At lunch, Lexi knew she was going to sit alone, again.  She walked to an empty table when she felt something pull her legs out from under her.  She dropped her food, and it was everywhere, on her, the floor, and everywhere around her.  The laughter was worse than the fact that she had noodles in her hair.  Lexi begin to stand up, when someone grabbed her hand, helping her up.  She looked up, and into chocolate brown eyes, staring kindly at her.  The lunchroom had gone quiet by now, and everyone had begun to eat and talk again.  He helped her clean herself up, and that was when she recognized him.    

“Taylor Venom?”  (I have no idea what his last name is, so I just made one up.)  She asked, realizing that the king of broken hearts was sitting next to her.  She was unable to keep a hint of disgust out of her voice for what he had done to many a girl. 

“Yea, you’re Lexi, right?”  He asked.


          She tried to ignore him for the rest of the week; she admitted to herself she was scared of getting her heart broken.  But he sat with her, every day, and even when she was a little icy to him.  When weeks turned to months, her cold exterior warmed up, and they grew closer. 

Then, one day he told her how much he loved her, and she realized that she felt the same.  Then he had kissed her, a warm passionate kiss that she had immediately returned, loving the electricity between them.  Lexi didn’t know why he had chosen her to help, but she was actually happy.  His group of friends had come with him, and she had made a few good friends herself.  She was happy. 

          One day, she walked with Taylor to their lockers, and Sarah, the queen bee, turned to him.

          “Why are you hanging with her anyway, she’s so ugly!   You should spend some time with actual girls Taylor, and we can have so real fun!”  She winked at him.  Lexi ignored them, as she had for the last couple years, but Taylor stopped in his tracks, turning to her.

          “Lexi’s more beautiful than you’ll ever be!  Leave my girlfriend alone!”  His usual smile was replaced with a fierce glare that she had never seen before.  She smiled that he cared for her so much.  Sarah left, but not before smirking evilly at Lexi.

          At the end of the day, Lexi went to Taylor’s locker to see him kissing Sarah.   He had his hands on her shoulders, and Sarah, noticing Lexi, deepening the kiss.  She gasped, backing away.  Her heart was twisting and turning, tearing itself on the sharp thorns of heartbreak.  Her trust that she had built up for so long came smashing down, in a few seconds.  She ran, where she didn’t know, but she had to get away.  Lexi could hear him calling to her, but he was the last person she wanted to talk to right now.  She leapt into her car, slamming and locking the doors, and then she broke, tears pouring down her face, uncontrollable gasping sobs racking her body. 

          She turned her car on, and put on one of her favorite songs, No One by Project 46, and tried to calm herself down enough so she wouldn’t crash.  She hummed to the song as the rain began to fall.  

I’m walking down the road less traveled

It’s harder when the sun is shining ‘cause the lights not fair,

I’m talking to my darkest shadows

This love is do or die, but they don’t care

I don’t know why I do this to myself

It’s not right, but I can’t love no one else, no one else

No one else

No one else

No one else


          The next day, when he approached her, she didn’t know what to feel but anger.

          “What do you want?”  She glared at him, hurt showing in her eyes. 

          “I’m so sorry Lex, she just grabbed me, I tried to push her off faster, but you had already left.” His eyes were bloodshot and puffy.  She remembered the glare he had sent Sarah earlier that day, but she couldn’t trust him, could she? 

          “I I I… Can I trust you?” She blurted out, unable to hold it in. 

          “Yes, Lexi, yes you can, I would never cheat on you!”  He might have once been a heartbreaker, but he truly loved her, and it killed him to see her hurt.  Then he kissed her, and slow and soft kiss that she wished would never end.  Her vision of love had been completely changed, and she hoped she could enjoy it the rest of her life.

Wow, this one was really long. Anywho, feel free to keep on requesting, you can request again if you wish.  These are fun to make XD  Bai!!!!!!!

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