What about us? (Noochless)

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          Rob worked on editing his latest video.  He had to finish adding in the music, so he could start on his thumbnail, and then he could upload this episode of Pixelmon.  He watched the footage of him pranking Preston, that cactus.  He realized how happy he sounded in the video. The complete opposite of how he felt now. 

          When he finished, he began to render it.  Rob really enjoyed editing his videos, putting all this effort and time into it, and to bring out content on the other side that he was proud of.  He spent more time than other youtuber’s on the editing, and he was happy with what he put out on his channel.  Then his Skype rang, it was his boyfriend, Mitch. (Didn’t see that coming did you?)  

          “Hey gurl” Rob said, trying to get the light right on his thumbnail.

          “Are you still editing Rob?  Get it done with, I want to go out.” He winced at the roughness in Mitch’s voice. 

          “I still have to finish the thumbnail though dude.”  Mitch sighed with impatience.  

          “Just upload it already; I don’t know why you spend so much time on these things.”  Rob was hurt that Mitch still didn’t understand what a part of his channel his editing was.

           “I enjoy it, and it’s what defines your channel, it’s what new viewers immediately see.” He tried to reason with Mitch.

          “More enjoyable then spending time with me?” Anger was coming into Mitch’s voice now. 


          “I don’t want to hear it!  You spend so much damn time editing, does it really mean more to you than me?  I see Jerome more than I see you!  Think about someone else for once!”  Rob was shocked, and felt that Mitch was overreacting; they had gone out five times already this week, and him and Jerome recorded almost every day.  Mitch was the one spending more time with Jerome; they recorded together more than Mitch did with him. 

          “Of course you see Jerome more than me, you two freaking record every single day!  You always want to record with him, how about me, huh?  I have to go, take time and find someone else, which I am fine with because you guys are best friends.  But then, when I take more time to edit than normal, you scream at me that I am spending too much time editing!”  It was Mitch’s turn to look shocked.

          “You’re never free, I asked you this morning, but you were recording with Preston instead!”

          “We have a pixelmon series together, just like you and Jerome!  I asked you yesterday if you wanted to record a minigame, but you declined, I’m free a lot, but you ask me right that day, after you refuse earlier that day.  Do you expect me to cancel recordings I planned just because you change your mind all the time?”  By now, they were glaring at each other through their computer screens.  It was lucky they were Skyping, or one of them might have taken a swing at the other by now.

          “If you cared, you might-“

          “I do care, but sometimes you have to listen.” 

          “Then show me, let’s go out now Rob.” Rob gazed at his half-finished thumbnail, and sighed, deciding that his relationship was more important than his upload.  He would have to hope his subscribers understood. 

          They went out to dinner, and had a good time, but something had seemed off.  The feeling was not as pleasant, the kiss didn’t seem as passionate as usual.  Mitch didn’t laugh at his jokes, didn’t seem to care as much.  Rob didn’t feel any sparks or anything between them.  He was stressed about his channel, Mitch was distracted. 

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