Befriended- Continued

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The whole village filed into the circular arena. It was the arena for dragon fighting and only a net of chains and some metal bars protected the citizens. A pair of teenagers came in, one boy and one girl. The boy was rather shrimpy with brown hair and wearing a simple tunic. The girl carried a large battle axe, wore light armor and her long, blonde hair in a braid. A Monstrous Nightmare was released into the arena when the battering ram latches were pulled back from the door. The two took very different approaches when it came to defeating the creature. One relied on the barricades and her weapons, while the other also hid, but he dropped his weapons and stroked the dragon's throat. Berla, who had become the village elder was reminded of herself after the attack. She was always horrified when the men in the village killed the beasts.

After the creature was subdued, the chief, Stoic the Vast, referred to Berla for judgment and she, unsurprisingly, sided with the boy, Hiccup. When it was called for Hiccup to kill the dragon, he protested, saying that it wasn't right. Berla smiled, glad that someone finally shared her radical point of view. All the villagers turned on him and then she heard it, the whining cry that turned into a roar. Someone shouted: "NIGHTFURY!"

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