Vengeance- A Frozen fanfic

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The harsh sunlight filtered through the spiked branches of the pine trees. The undergrowth kept the ground damp and mucky. Many thorns and needles stuck out onto the path. The trees formed a small, box-like walkway, though by each day the space was closer to being swallowed by greenery. A lone figure limped along the dirt path, making a trail of every step. The figure wore a ragged suit-coat, pants and shoes. He casts the torn coat off onto the ground and continues his dragging pace. His dull red hair was muddy and stuck up in every direction. He is scratched all over and bumps on his face bulge out of shape and throb. He slows and reaches forward, grasping for something to hold him up. He crumples forward like a ragdoll and remains there, gasping. He struggles to raise himself off the ground and he drags his limp body down the path, staining his, already ruined, clothes a light brown. He continued along the ground until he finds a gap in the trees, a path to freedom. He wedged himself into the opening and wiggled through to the other side. Warm sunlight shined down upon him as he tumbled down the steep, grassy hill into a ditch. He rolled through the mud and using his arms, he pulled himself out and clawed up the second hill. It was just as grassy as the first but, it was blanketed in wildflowers. It wasn't surprising, it was the closest to the castle and the princess loved wildflowers. He, on wobbly legs, straightened up and spat on the flowers, causing on to shrivel and wilt. He trekked through the rolling hills towards the ever-closer castle.

Once he reached the blue metal gates, he collapsed again, into a cart of hay. Unaware of his presence, a farmer latched the cart onto his donkey and rode into the marketplace. The marketplace was lined with shops, other carts, and merchants from all around. The smell of horses and manure overpowered everything and caused the man in the hay to cough. The farmer turned back to check, but saw nothing. When they arrived at the farmer's respective stall, the farmer unlatched the cart and dump the hay into an ever-decreasing mountain. The man flailed, stood up and said in a shaky tone: "I am Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.... I- I am royalty... You can't..."

"He's delusional, probably a beggar from the streets," the farmer grumbled as he shoved Hans away from his shipment.

Hans stumbled away and through the streets, mumbling, "I, I am Prince Hans.... Of the- of the Southern Isles. I am royalty. Royalty! You-you can't do this to me. I-I-I it's not my fault. It's that sorceress, that- that witch. Elsa! I'll get her for this and Anna, I'll-I'll get her too. I tell you!" People ran to the opposite side of the street and tugged their children away. They gave him disapproving looks as he wandered down a busy street. The brick path on his side of the road was deserted, shops slammed their doors shut, and people ran screaming. He limped down the main road towards the welcoming gates of the castle. He stumbled through, they were unguarded. He arrived at the door to the palace and shouted: "I NEED to speak with the QUEEN!"

Inside, servants called to Queen Elsa and her sister, Princess Anna. Anna rushed down the stairs in a flurry of excitement and optimism. Elsa, on the other hand, walked down in a formal fashion. In a few seconds, she pulled open the door and shouted, "HI! Welcome to- what?" She glared at the disheveled Hans standing in the doorway. He glared back at her. "Elsa! How do we get Hans to leave?"

"Let him inside, allow him to experience our hospitality," Elsa replied in a cheery tone. Anna remained with her mouth open and shouted back to Elsa.

"He tried to KILL you! He tried to KILL ME! Why are you letting him inside?" Elsa merely shrugged and led Hans to some simple quarters in the lower levels of the castle with Anna grumbling along the whole way. They arrived on the dimly lit bottom floor, the floors covered in moss and dirt and Hans was too tired to notice. They arrived at a simple room with a stone bench sticking out of the wall and a simple straw mattress and thin blanket. He collapsed onto the straw and winced as he hit the stone floor.

As he Elsa shut the heavy iron door, she smirked and said, "We're allowing you to experience our hospitality... in the dungeons." She and Anna congratulated each other on the cleverness. Hans screamed and pounded on the closed door. He rose up and grabbed the bars of the cell window and roared, to no avail. The dungeon was deserted. As Elsa and Anna bounced away, Hans shouted at the top of his lungs: "I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS! AND FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME!!!"

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