Star Falls

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The threatening boughs of the trees were swatted aside by a lone traveler on a twisting path. The traveler scanned the forest for any sign of life and hung his head when he found nothing. He dragged himself along the dirt path and in his exhaustion, tripped over a green duffle bag. There were large red letters painted on it, spelling out Wendy C. The traveler jumped for joy and grabbed the bag by its strap. He lugged it along the ground and continued on his way. After many minutes of walking, he reached the edge of the wood and collapsed onto the ground, his brown bangs flopping in his face and his white-and-blue hat falling forward onto the dirt.

When he opened his eyes, a blurry pair of boots appeared in front of him. "Wendy!" he shouted as he hopped up. A young woman stared down at him and shook her head. She was dressed in an all-white jumpsuit, matching boots, and her hair in a complicated twist. Oh, not Wendy... Dipper thought.

"Who's Wendy?" she asked, oblivious to Dipper's reason for appearing in the first place. Once he realized what was happening, he jumped back and brandished a twig, in self-defense.

"Who are you?! And where's Wendy?" he asked, breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," she answered, a guilty look on her face. "I'm Senator Anidala.... I don't know where 'Wendy' is. And you are?"

"Dipper. Dipper Pines-" he answered, but he was cut off by slow clapping from behind. The Senator froze and Dipper spun around. Bill tilted his hat and the plane of reality tilted along with it, causing Dipper to stumble sideways. He adjusted his bow tie and replaced the hat on his head. His triangular shape glowed with pride.

"Oh hi, Pine Tree. I wasn't expecting you here. Oh wait, I was!" He laughed some more. The sky faded to gray and the clouds stretched across the sky. The branches that rustled in the wind slowed their pace and the wildlife froze mid-action.

"What are you doing here?! I defeated you!" Dipper cried. He charged at Bill, brandishing his feeble twig. Dipper stopped in his tracks as a pulsing blue blade was held to his throat. He slowly turned to see a robed teenager with a grave expression, a short haircut, and tiny braid forcing him in that position. Dipper's eyes widened in recognition. "Wait, you're from Space Battles!"

The boy raised an eyebrow and looked over to the girl, who shrugged. He pointed to the boy, still holding the lightsaber to his throat, and yelled, "You're Anakin and she's Padme!" They both nodded. He hopped around in excitement for a few seconds before realizing the problem at hand. "Wait, Bill! What are you doing here!?"

Dipper threw his twig at the demon, which was vaporized in midair. He ducked underneath the saber and charged at Bill. After another few steps, he was stopped in his tracks by an invisible force.

"What do you think you're doing to our savior?" Padme called out.

"Your savior?" Dipper spat. Bill angled his eyebrows as Anakin kept a tight grip on Dipper.

"He brought us here. He made us real. We're indebted to him," she replied.

"No! You can't be!" Dipper hissed. "He's evil!"

He waved his arms to demonstrate his point only to have them frozen by Anakin. He panicked and screamed, "Wendy! Mabel! Grunkle Stan! Soos! Someone! Help!"

Bill waved an arm and a tendril of blue magic muted Dipper's voice. All that escaped his gaping mouth was a raspy whisper: "Wendy... Mabel... Grunkle Stan... Soos... Someone.... Help... Wendy!" The last word came out as a shout and he quickly scolded himself for his desperation. Bill snapped his fingers and the ground fractured beneath his feet. Dipper dropped like a stone into the pit, and landed with a hard thud. He winced as he sat up and crawled to the wall of the hole. The pair of Space Battlers and Bill stared down at him. He screamed and tried to claw his way up the wall of the pit, only to tumble down back into the darkness.

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