The Sinister (Cos)Play-A Batman Fanfic-Part 2

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Another day as the richest man of Gotham, another night as the Caped Crusader. He was almost done with his nightly patrol when he got another call from Gordon. The communicator buzzed and fell off his belt, making him stop to catch it midair.

"Bruce, we have another incident in the downtown area. Same as last time," he informed Batman.


"Well, they don't seem to be doing anything. They didn't steal anything, they're just maintaining a perimeter."

"I'll be right over," Batman said as he flew back to the corner of 5th and Stevens. An aerial view reveled a pair of concentric circles, of guards, and a central figure dressed in a bright green suit. Unmistakably, it was the Riddler. The same formation as before was revealed in front of the Caped Crusader, but there was a different villain was within its ranks. Batman descended upon the guards, causing panic to ensue. They only relied on hand-to-hand combat and were decimated by Batman. Once the Riddler was the only one left standing, the Caped Crusader approached with his fists bared. Up close when the Riddler finally spoke, he sounded oddly feminine.

"Oh, Batman you've gone batty. You don't know what's a trick, a riddle, per say. I'm driving you crazy... because I'm still here..."

"You can't be here, Edward Nigma is firmly behind bars," Batman countered.

"Oh, is he?" 'The Riddler' asked, "We'll see about that," He threw down another container of, what Batman deduced was, tear gas and vanished. Coughs surrounded him and the scene turned a pale color and everything faded into a cloud. Batman scowled, how could the Riddler escape his grasp? It wasn't even his grasp, it was the grasp of the asylum. Even though the asylum was broken out of so many times it was hard to be taken seriously, no break-out had been recorded. If the masked man, he wasn't even sure of that, wasn't the Riddler, who were they? It couldn't be some crazy dressed up as him. It couldn't be.

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