The Sinister (Cos)Play-A Batman fanfic-Part 3

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On the third night in a row, Gordon called Batman, with the same disturbance, the same situation, but a different villain. This time Poison Ivy reigned over the guards from the center of their formation, and this time a firefight broke out. Chaos ruled the street corner for a few seconds before Batman arrived, and when he did, all the guards stopped firing. Once all the civilians had fled, no corpses remained on the streets and pavement. Not one. The guards had been aiming at a slight angle above the bystanders' heads. Ivy strutted forward towards Batman and engaged in conversation. "So, Batty, whatcha up to?" she spoke with a New York accent.

"Ugh, why does everyone call me that?" he mumbled.

"Because you're downright crazy, you're nearly one of us," she grinned.

"Stop. What are you doing here then? If I came here to stop you... why are you here to start?"

"To get your attention, why else?"

Batman raised an eyebrow, "She never would do that, she only cares about her plants. If you are really Poison Ivy, why would you use the same plan as the Joker and the Riddler?"

Ivy shrugged, "Coincidence, maybe?"

"Right after one another. Same time. Same place. All of it can't be true," he reached and grabbed a lock of her flowing red hair. "This hair isn't real, you know." "Ivy" swatted Batman's hand away and scoffed.

"So?" Batman pulled off the red wig in one fell swoop and "Ivy" frowned.

"Ivy isn't from Brooklyn," he smirked, "You're heading back to the asylum, Harleen Quinzel." Batman whipped out a pair of handcuffs, locked them onto Harley's wrists and called Commissioner Gordon. "We caught the imitator. It's Harley Quinn,"

"She needs to choose better idols, that jester," he replied.

"What should we call this case, Commissioner? I think it needs a name."

"How about 'The Sinister Cos-player'?"

"The Sinister Cos-player, that sounds good," he turned from the phone to handcuffed Harley and said, still talking to Gordon. "Hey, kid. You're going to go down in history," She managed a small cheer, but Batman interrupted, "For having a dumb plan," While he and the Commissioner laughed, she sulked and sat on the now desolate street corner.

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