Star Falls (A Gravity Falls fanfic) Part 2

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Dipper's hair was caked with dirt and his fingernails were blackened from the scratching. He screamed at the top of his lungs and tried to jump out of the hole. "I hate you, Bill!" he bellowed.

He rocketed himself up a second time, expecting failure, only to have a hand grab his and pull him up. He clung to the edge of the pit and dragged himself out onto the grass. A pair of brown boots obstructed his field of vision. "Wendy!" he shouted as he hopped up. He looked up to see an alien teenage girl. She had bright orange skin with white markings and she wore a maroon tank top and skirt. Oh, not Wendy... again.

The girl ruffled his hair and replied, "I'm not Wendy, whoever that is. I'm Ahsoka. Nice to meet you." She held out a hand to shake, and raised an eyebrow at him as he was staring at her with his mouth open. "What's your name?"

Her questions knocked Dipper out of the daze he was in and he answered, "My name's Dipper."

He paused and gasped, "You're Ahsoka! Whoa! There is seriously something going on. Three Space Battlers in one day. Wow! I gotta tell Mabel and Grunkle Stan and Wendy-" His rambling was cut off by Ahsoka.

"Three? Did you see Anakin and Padme?" she asked. He nodded, trying to hold back his excitement. "Come on, kid. We're going on an adventure," she beckoned for him to follow her back into the forest. Her blue and white head tails swished behind her as she turned. He dashed towards the path to catch up with her.

"So... we're going after Anakin and Padme... and Bill, I guess? I thought you would be on their side," Dipper asked.

"Anakin was blinded by the Dark Side and Padme by love. I knew I couldn't stay, he would drive me crazy... or to the Dark Side. Probably both!"

"But he's Anakin and it's Space Battles and why? Bill, why must you ruin my dorkiness!" Dipper covered his mouth and grumbled under his breath, "Did I say that out loud?"

Ahsoka snickered and ran the rest of the way to the edge of the forest. When Dipper finally caught up with her, he was breathing heavily and stumbling in the undergrowth. A gap between the trees gave the pair a view of Bill and his brainwashed minions.

"Master, do you think he's going to... kill us?" Padme asked in a shaky tone. Bill angled an eyebrow and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry. Pine Tree can't hurt you. But I can," he said as he turned bright red and his eye started to bulge out of his head. Padme shrunk back in fear and she scurried over to Anakin. Anakin tried to Force Push Bill into a tree, but the being of chaos held up one hand and restrained him. "Don't try it. You'll hurt yourself."

Dipper and Ahsoka hid behind the trees as Bill turned in their direction. They held their breaths and sat, still as stone. "What are we gonna do?" Ahsoka whispered, "If I can't use The Force, I'm nearly powerless. Would lightsabers work on him?" She ignited her green and yellow blades.

"Nope, he doesn't have a physical form," Dipper countered.

"Wait, if he doesn't a physical form...does that mean he's not real?"

"Huh. Well, it can't be. He's Bill and he's evil and..." he protested.

"Trust me, just this once."

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