The Sinister (Cos)Play- A Batman Fanfic

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The angular buildings of the grim city cast shadows across the wings of the Caped Crusader. He glided between the towers and scanned the city below, nothing seemed wrong. As Batman continued his flight, his communicator vibrated against his tool belt. It started to wedge itself out of its slot causing Batman to have to reach back to get it. "Shoot, shouldn't be on vibrate..." he mumbled. He landed on top of a nearby apartment building and picked up the still-buzzing phone.

"Bruce, there is a minor disturbance in the downtown area," Commissioner Gordon notified him systematically.

"How minor?"

"Now that I think about it, not that minor. You should come, it's on the corner of 5th and Stevens,"

"Right away, sir," Batman replied and before the second was up he was off the roof and down the street, gliding again. Once he arrived at the scene of the "disturbance", the crooks scattered and one thing made the scene out of the ordinary. The Joker was there. He couldn't be, he was dead. While Batman pondered on that improbability, a fist headed straight for his face. He ducked at the last second and bent the assailant's arm backward, the crackling of joints punctured the dull roar. Batman quickly took down the remaining cronies and Joker had a malicious smile on his face. The Joker threw a small cylinder with a spout, and pale gas shot of it. Coughs surrounded Batman and as the cloud dissipated it was clear, the Joker was gone. Batman clenched his teeth and gritted them together, how could the Joker escape from grasp? It wasn't even his grasp, it was that of death. The Joker was dead, he had seen his body cremated. It couldn't be, it couldn't be. The thoughts run in his head and he shook them away, it couldn't be. It had to be some crazy dressed as him. It had to be.

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