Star Falls (Part 3)

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  Ahsoka exited the woods and shouted, "Hey Skyguy! Hey Senator Anidala! I'm back!" Bill, the two Space Battlers and Dipper all looked at her, dumbstruck. The sky had faded to gray once again and time stood still as Bill conversed with his minions.

"Ahsoka! You're back, wonderful," Bill nearly cackled. "You can help me with my plan to take over Gravity Falls!" He clapped at his "genius" and continued laughing.

"You're- You're insane!" Ahsoka accused with a shaky voice.

"Sure I am. You get used to it after several thousand years in the Nightmare Realm. You in, Snips?" Bill held out black arm and set it aflame with blue fire. Ahsoka hopped back in shock. "Don't worry, it's a thing we demons do to seal the deal."

"In your dreams," she smirked, "Or should I say nightmares?" She pulled her hand away and grabbed her lightsabers, igniting them in a defensive position.

"Clever, kid, real clever," Bill crossed his arms and nodded. His eyebrow arched and he glowed bright red, "You forgot one thing; you can do anything in the mind, but so can I!" He gestured to Anakin and screamed, "Get them!!!" Anakin, obedient as ever, charged towards Dipper, brandishing his blue lightsaber. Dipper ducked and rolled over on the ground. He straightened up and a red lightsaber materialized in his hand. He grumbled something about not being a Sith and mimicked Ahsoka in her stance. They waited in a tense silence. Bill broke it by conjuring some blue magic around Dipper and lifting him into the air. He shouted and thrashed, but his ascent only quickened. Ahsoka charged towards Anakin and met him with her blades. They were held in a tight saber lock, sparks flying everywhere. As Dipper rose higher into the sky, the field below grew blurry and all he saw was Bill. Finally, everything below the demon and boy was dark, except for the three blades clashing.

"You ready to take a dip?" Bill asked, with mock sincerity.

"Wha-" Dipper asked, shakily, only to be cut off as he rocketed towards the ground. After a few seconds of falling, he slowed and reached a stop, mere inches from the ground. He glanced over to Ahsoka and Anakin, who were still dueling. Bill released Dipper and he fell stomach-first onto the ground.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Bill laughed, "My work here is done."

"Leave me alone!" Dipper shouted back at him.

"Fine. Just remember, the dark side is coming. Everything you know will change. Toodles, kid!"

The forest and its inhabitants began to fade and a harsh light shone down from above. The light flickered on and off, causing the forest to vanish. Dipper opened his eyes and stared at the Space Battles action figures strewn about on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling and the dingy wood stared back at him. His eyes widened as he dropped the plastic Anakin and Padme he was messing with. From across the room, he could hear Mabel rolling over in her sleep.

"Be quiet, Dipper..." she mumbled before rolling over again. Dipper flopped back onto his bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. He waved a hand in front of his eyes to make sure they weren't deceiving him. He noticed a note scrawled on his right hand. It read:

Hey Pine Tree! The dream was real. Now you know what I can do!


P.S. Look what I did to your other hand!

Dipper held up his other hand. Bill had outlined his fingers in ink and drew a head on his thumb. On the back of the hand was written:

Hey, look! A turkey!

He spit on the back of his hands and wiped the writing off. He lay his head back and his eyes flickered shut. Darkness clouded his vision and a triangle illuminated it. In Dipper's last seconds of consciousness, he thought he saw a smirk painted across its face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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