Vengeance- A Frozen fanfic- Part 2

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He used the most reclusive halls and hid in an alcove when someone noticed his presence. He was still wearing his torn clothes and they grew grimier by the day. He was desperate and he finally had a plan to exact his vengeance. He unsheathed a dagger and tip-toed towards the throne room. The queen was discussing with Anna and her advisers. Hans kept his back to the wall and snuck towards his oblivious targets. He stood in a careful stance and rocketed his knife in the direction of the queen. When it was mere inches from her head, she froze it in midair and called the guards to form a perimeter.

"You..." Elsa accused, "I'm not surprised."

"And YOU!" Hans shouted back, baring his teeth like a dog, "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME!!!!" He pulled out another knife and raised his arm, ready to strike. All the guards raised their crossbows into firing position, but Anna motioned for them to stand down. "YOU! YOU LET THEM DO THIS TO ME!" he screamed.

"So? You double-crossed me to start with!" Anna shouted, in defense. The guards tightened their circle around the two, but Anna called them off once again. She raised her fist and said, "I should have done a long time ago." Hans shrunk back and pulled his knees up to his chest, but he still held out his knife in self-defense. She grabbed Elsa's scepter off her throne and used it to smack the knife out of Hans' hand. "This," she called the guards, the ones holding handcuffs, "And this!" The guards cuffed him and led him to the gates, where they tossed him into the streets. "Maybe this time you'll learn. Get a job. Make an honest living and take one thing with you. Go and never return." He remained in defiance at his capture. "Go!" she commanded.

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