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-my name is Dylan." I told him "But I swear to god you call me that you will be missing an ear."

He smiled at me.
Then Logan walked over and his smile faded.

"Don't freak but he knows my name now" I said as Carl looked as confused as hell.
I couldn't help but laugh at a jealous looking Logan.

Rick walked over and shooed the boys away.
"Do you really trust this Logan guy"
He asked
"Because I'm not allowing you to sleep next to him at night. Only I will to protect you and the others"

"Where will I sleep" I asked.

"With another group member preferably some one you know already" he said "now please if you have any weapons help try to get free"
I took out the knife I keep in my bra and handed it to him but he looked at it like it would explode so I wiped it off but then the doors slammed open and in stepped some really bulky guards.

Ted and Bj

"We want the girl" they said in their creepy unison that they do when they mean business.
I strapped forwards and they took my arms and pulled me to the room that I would soon meet my doom.

They dropped me off and then Gairith and Alex appeared in front of me.

"Alex told me about your weaknesses. Those boys. You've gone soft girlie." He said as I looked around the room. Then the guards came with the two boys I cared about.

Logan's and Carl
"Now tell me your name or I'll slit their throat" he said.

Tears of pain and hate ran down my cheeks as I said:

"Why does my name matter so much to you. For it means so little to me that I don't speak of it. This is a test but if I know one thing about myself it's that  I fail tests. My name is Dylan and I'm not sure why you care but I told you because that is the only choice I have." I said.

Gairith looked at me smirking
"You do care about someone other than yourself. I never thought that would happen."

"But it did" I told him. "Now what"

"This" he said stabbing Logan in the head.

Then his goons took Carl and I back to the train cart.

I ran to the corner and curled up in a ball and wished that I was anywhere but here.
And that night all I could think about was what Gairith did.

Then Carl said something "it is not your fault"
His voice was lower than a whisper.

"But it is. I cared about someone. And that tiny shrivel of happiness was just stepped on and it was buried. I cared for someone and that's that"
I said.

"It will never happen again"

Blood Stained Roses | Carl Grimes|Where stories live. Discover now